Part 2

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~~Telling the Parents~~

The next morning the boys were woken up bright and early by the weasley twins "come on get up-" george said while ripping the sheets off of harry allowing the cold air hit his bare legs "-don't want to miss the train" fred added as he did the same...

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The next morning the boys were woken up bright and early by the weasley twins "come on get up-" george said while ripping the sheets off of harry allowing the cold air hit his bare legs "-don't want to miss the train" fred added as he did the same to ron. The boys groaned and groaned until they finally got up and ready. When they finished getting ready they went down to the common room where they met with the twins, hermione,ginny and percy "you're coming with us percy?" ron asked surprised "no, i have head boy duties to attend to here, tell our parents I say hello, along with charlie and bill, I hear they'll be home to" the group got excited seeing as they hadn't seen the two boys for a while "well professor lupin is waiting for you lot at the front entrance hurry along before you miss the train" he continued and the group walked out.

"Harry-" fred called which made harry look up "- we need that map-" george added "we've got big plans when we come back-" fred continued "but without it, it wont work" george finished. Harry and Ron looked at each other nervously "well you see- I kinda got it taken away"the twins stopped dead in their tracks and looked to harry like he just burned their quidditch brooms "you did what?" Fred asked "it wasn't his fault, it was Snape, sticking his big nose in everyone's business." the twins softened and continued to walk until they met lupin "ready to go everyone?"he said in a cheerful tone, they all nodded and got on the train.

When they got on the train they talked for a while until Lupin fell asleep "nervous harry?" Hermione asked " a bit, this is the second time i've got in trouble since break"he whispered to the group "just, don't talk back" fred said seriously "and don't interrupt"ron added. After a while they finally arrived at the train station "alright everyone, into the car" lupin said while motioning them to move. On the way to the house Harry tried to say little to nothing but his mind was running on what would happen when he got home.

They were standing on the doorstep of the house and Harry was sweating like crazy "you dont think ill be in that much trouble right"Harry whispered to ron and hermione "no, it was nothing serious, just relax"she said with a smile then the door opened.

The strong smell of strawberry pound cake danced in their noses as they walked in. Harry hugged his mother who had been the one to open the door "hello dear"she said while giving him a hug "Mrs. Potter, your house always smells of strawberry pound cake, but every time we are here there is none, what's up with that" ron said as they walked to the kitchen where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, James, and Sirius were " I couldn't tell you Ron" Lily said with a giggle.

other and the map had not come up yet. Harry began to think it wouldn't until Remus cleared his throat "I have something to say, James, sirius you are going to want to hear this"he said seriously. Harry began to panic as he pulled the map out. "Yesterday I was called into Severus's office for a chat"James and Sirius let out loud groans "harry happened to be there along with this" remus slid the old piece of parchment over to James and Sirius. They looked at it confused until they unfolded it. The paper still had it's rude comments to snape on it which read

"Mr moony presents his compliments to professor snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.
Mr prongs agrees with Mr moony and would like to add that professor snape is an ugly git
Mr. padfoot would like to register that an idiot like that ever became a professor
Mr. wormtail bids professor snape good day and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball
Nutty would like to agree with the rest of the marauders, and begs him to stop being a toerag"

James and sirius tried their best to hide their laughter as they handed it to Lily, Molly, and Arthur "where did you get this harry'' James asked sternly, harry said nothing but played with his fingers "we gave it to him-" George said "-yea we took it from filch's office-" Fred added "if anyone should get in trouble it's us" George finished "what do you think prongs, should the boys be in trouble?" Sirius said "I don't know padfoot. how about you moony, what do you think" the kids watched with their mouths open while the adults sniggered "no, I think we should thank them, what do you think nutty"remus said while looking up, another strong wind of strawberry pound cake hit the room, Netty agreed with a smile.

James pulled his wand out and gave the map a tap "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"he said and the map's words began to show themselves reading

" Messrs. Moony, wormtail, padfoot, prongs, and nutty purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief Makers are proud to present The Marauder's Map"

The twins shot out of their seats "you're the marauders" Fred started "We owe our success to you" George said with a bowe. Everyone laughed "so i'm not in trouble?" Harry asked "well-'' Lily started "no son, you're not in trouble. When we lost this nutty didn't stop with the lecturing" James said with a laugh. "He sounds like a drag," Ron said with a chuckle "he? Who said nutty was a he?" Lily said while sitting on the arm of James's seat. " Nutty is a girl" George asked surprised "yes and she was the most mischeifious of all of us. She might've gotten in more trouble alone then the five of us in one" Sirius added

"she was mad because she spent most of the time writing out the map and charming it, when James and Sirius got it taken away she was fuming, said we'd never hear the end of it till it was returned to her'' Remus said "we got it back nutty, you can stop with the ghost slaps now"Sirius yelled while waving the map in the air. "her real name was Netty longwood, she was the craziest person you would have ever met so we nicknamed her nutty" James said with a soft smile "can you tell us, more about her, if it's alright with you of course" ginny asked from across the table.

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