Part 6

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~~The Videos~~

After they looked at everything James connected the vhs player and they all sat in the living room

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After they looked at everything James connected the vhs player and they all sat in the living room. Harry sat in the middle on the floor between Hermione and Ron "ok here we go"he said under his breath then pushed the tape into the player.

For a second there was only static then a face popped up close to the camera "ok I think I got it" the video said. On the screen was twenty year old Netty with her big clear glasses and a big smile. Harry could hear the adults sniffling and chuckling at the same time behind him. "Ok, let's hope this works because I don't want to do it again"she said as she adjusted the camera so it fit her size. She was short with long brown hair and bright green eyes. "Who are you talking to?" another voice said in the background, it sounded like sirius but it was confirmed when he walked into the room with netty "look at that charmer" Sirius said with a smirk as he watched himself "oh! Hello camera, do I look good?" he said, everyone laughed "no you look terrible, now get out this is for harry!΅ Sirius put his arm around netty "but I want to stay with my lover"Sirius said "I'm not your lover, now get out" netty said as she pushed sirius " he just a baby, he won't know what you're saying but ok" sirius said as he walked out.

"You were quite the flirt Sirius" Ginny said with a giggle. A minute went by and netty's tiny self reappeared on screen "ok sorry that was your godfather padfoot, obviously i'm the better godparent, anyways besides the point" she said fixing her shirt and they all laughed " ok, hi! I'm Netty or nutty either one is fine. I know we won't be able to meet when you will remember because of what i'm going to be doing but I wanted you to know me" the sobes of the adults got louder every time she laughed "that idiot, i'll strangle her when I see her again" sirius said through tears

" I am truly sorry our time together was short harry, I want you to know I will always watch after you, i'll be at every quidditch game i'll watch you board the hogwarts express every year and any other big event you go through." Harry was now getting teary eyed, he got up and sat with his parents. "Ok we're going to have a conversion now" she said sitting up straight, the group laughed "get ready to answer harry '' fred said, everyone laughed and harry sat up to

"ok ready? Alright, how's your day?" she said with a smile "its been good"harry said "i have multiple answers wait. That's good. Blimey that did not happen. Oh i'm sorry harry.'' Everyone laughed and so did she " ok how's school? Please tell me snivellus didn't actually become a teacher" the kids laughed "it's been interesting, and he did sadly" Netty smiled patiently waiting or his answer " that's good, or bad, i'm not sure hopefully good. And if he did do me a favor and ask Snivellus if he's got the slug out his drawers yet" James, Remus, and Sirius laughed loudly while Lily shook her head "she put slugs in his underwear?" Ginny asked "yes, it was hilarious" sirius said

"Netty we gotta go, get down here!" a voice yelled in the background, her eyes widened which made the group laugh "thats your mother and you didnt let her sleep very well last night so I better go" everyone laughed through stuffy noses and tears "if you want to get to know me better, your mum hid our videos in a chest under her didn't hear that from me. Anyways goodbye for now harry, till we meet again muah!" she blew a kiss and waved goodbye and the tape was over. For a while the room was silent besides the sniffles from everyone "she's fun" George said to break the silence, everyone chuckled "she was a lot of fun" Remus said with a smile and a sniffle.

"Can we see the other videos?" Harry asked his mom " I guess, she already told you where they were" Lily said with a laugh, Harry ran to his parents room to retrieve the chest. When he got to the room, just like netty said there the chest was under his parents bed, he pulled it out and it was kind of heavy so he dragged it.

When harry got back to the living room with everyone else he opened the chest full of tapes all labeled things like "summer of '77" and "picnic weekend'' the other's either said nothing or "marauders madness" harry took out one that said "marauders madness #1" and popped it into the player.

There was static first like the first one then grass showed up "is it on? Ok'' a voice said it was netty. A second or two went by and she was joined by James Remus sirius and Peter "hello and welcome to...what are we going to call this?" netty said, the boys shrugged "madness is what this is called" a voice from behind the camera said it was lily "ugh! You're a genius evans! Welcome to the first episode of Marauders Madness" netty said with a smile
"what did you guys do in these videos?" Hermione asked with a chuckle "anything we wanted" the marauders said in unison and they went on with watching the video.

the video cut then came back on"ok so prongs and padfoot messed up the prank and now them and nutty have detention" remus said to the camera "whoa! That's remus! He looks so..different" George said "oh thanks george" remus said sarcastically " oh did not! It was pad, over there drooling over hufflepuff girls" young james said to remus "it's true he was, wasn't paying attention and dropped everything" James said in defense. "well you both dropped the balloons and got paint everywhere so it's both your faults" netty said looking the most annoyed "you look extra angry nutty, could it be because padfoot was flirty with another girl and not you?" Lily teased from behind the camera "I am mad because he messed up the prank not because he was flirting, Anyways, we need to get to quidditch and lils is itching to study so that's it for today's episode goodbye" netty said with the same bright smile she always had and waved.

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