Ch:44 When The Dust Settles

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(Lea's P.O.V)

I stood behind the one way darkened glass of the interrogation room where my cousin's interrogation was being finished.

My transfer back to Maple High was undergoing and I couldn't be happier. When I'd come to know that Demi had been an agent for two years but didn't know about me, I was a bit easier on her and then again I could ever hold the secret against her. That would be hypocrisy. Dave on the other hand......I gave him a good beating for scaring me at times. I now knew why Scarlett and Rose had been so slack regarding the investigation of my 'stalker'. It was because he had been meant to protect me not scare me. That dumbass was just having some fun.

'I'm sour about it too, Lea.' Nikita agreed.

I sighed and walked to the door as it opened. When Miranda's eyes fell on me there was a hint of regret in them.

I smiled at the Agent who had been interrogating and she nodded in understanding. Within a few minutes we were in a separate room, sitting across each other.

She was in the orange for prisoners already and her hands were kept cuffed. So far she hadn't struggled and had been mum.

My parents had been fed some sorta story by the Agency's  mediums and I was glad to have time to assuage and letting everything sink in. I needed the time to heal both mentally and physically from scars fresh and old and that almost rape.

Tyson was going to spend a year in juvie too and that sucked but he was one thing I didn't know how to tackle.

It's been four days since the incident in the Lockhart mansion and now that we'd all recovered.....there were some things I needed closure for. So here I was.

"I'm sorry, Miranda."

I looked down, letting out a heavy breath and a bittersweet smile.

She did't reply.

I looked into her eyes so similar to mine. "I'm sorry for not being there for you. Sorry for having given up. Sorry for not trying harder to confirm things. I just accepted it."

"And I'm sorry I can't help you out right now. You're probably the only one who can do that. Maybe if you hadn't turned on us...there was something I could've done too but now..." I traced a pattern on the steel table in the lit room and clicked my tongue. "I missed you a lot though. already know that."

"Yeah and I missed you too." 

My eyes raised to hers at her dry voice and I felt my stomach hollow. She'd been spying on me all that time as Maggie. She was a friend and she was someone who dampened my spy senses. I suspected Victoria but Maggie had indeed been on the list. Except...I never thought she was Miranda. I'd felt connected to her and those lies she fed Lisa were horrible. Maggie had been a friend to me in those times though. I know now the fire, the note and seashell in Luke's locker, that message on the pen drive...they were all her doing.

"Then why couldn't you have just returned to us? We could've explained it somehow!"

She raised one shoulder unceremoniously. "I was bitter, Lea."

My shoulders dropped. 

She chewed on her lip and her eyes were moist. "I was angry. I wanted revenge. I was irrational and I was grateful to those who'd saved me from a painful death."

I nodded in understanding. I get where she was coming from but.....

"You always told me resentment was never the answer for anything." I clenched my jaw. I was bitter too but that's why I needed this talk.

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