Ch:28 Missed You

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(Lea's P.O.V)

I'm a hundred percent sure that Lisa and Maggie would kill me right now if they knew where I was headed to.

But after all what can I say...? It's just all fate and a bit of misfortune. Also, not my fault they completely dropped the plan after my several rejections.

I took a deep breath, put my phone in the back pocket of my black jeans, locked the door and put the key in my jean's front pocket before heading towards Starbucks that Sam had very mysteriously made our rendezvous.

Making my way down the stairs and onto the path that led to my destination, I felt my mind wander off to Luke.

He was....quite....interesting.

Unique, if you think about it. I mean you don't find a guy who is almost perfect, popular as hell but still not all that egoistic, hot as anything and not a typical troublemaker, everyday. But every time he made my heartbeat speed name would automatically seep into the very depths of my thoughts and spread like an infectious virus and make me feel guilty.


It was as if whatever I was feeling was just....wrong. And I sure as hell shouldn't feel that way but for some unknown godforsaken reason, I do.

I slightly grunted in frustration to myself.

What was strange was how my strange thoughts repeatedly kept surprising me.

And to say that the feeling that someone was following and keeping an eye on me wasn't bothering me and adding to the muddle of my brain would surely be a lie.

Oh shit, I have a great amount of untouched homework too and I'm really running tight on schedule. Le's not think about that, k?

'I mean, You're meeting Sam again so you should be happy!'

'And well, I am.' I responded trying to think positively.

I could feel their eyes, my unknown follower, as I made my way through the streets that led to the Starbucks of the locality. I think that I should investigate this strange person as soon as I can but unfortunately, life isn't playing by my rules. I'm low on time, midterms are coming, I got friends I miss, a guy I'm back on good terms with, a mission to accomplish as an undercover CIA agent, Rose or Scarlett aren't contacting me and told me to do the same for some mysterious reason, a secret dangerous follower and right now? A place to be.

Yeah, I definitely got a lot on my hands right now.

Also, now that I think about it....maybe it wasn't Sam who texted me after all...what if....

What if it was some crazy, creepy, psycho, stalker or agent of the other side hoping to take me down?!? I willed the pessimistic thoughts to leave me alone.

No one else knew that nickname of mine! But...that's probably the only nickname people can make out of my name so it's highly possible that it was a pure coincidence. I'd really hate it and be disappointed if it turned out to be something like that. I don't know why but the thought is kinda depressing.....

Ugh! I hate confusing things like these!

My white sneaker soles softly made sounds on the ground as the June wind blew. The sun beat down mercilessly. Adding to my tiredness.

It's honestly been two months since the party and I freaking still can't believe it. It's stupid how much I actually give up for all of........this.

And it's too late to try and get outta this deep shit that I am already in now, much to my plight and dismay.

I sighed and ran a hand through my brown straight hair that I decided to let loose today. Turns out, not a good idea with the wind blowing and a stupid flick entering your mouth again and again. I seriously hate Victoria for that. It's like a constant reminder of her and.......Luke as my 'savior'.

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