Ch:7 Blast from the Past

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(Lea's P.O.V)

I jumped down the window, frustrated. He had taken advantage of me! How dare he?!!! It wasn't that I needed help, just that if I'd attempted to get out on my own, it would've seemed quite suspicious and weird. That's why I'd turned to that asshole for help.

But then again, he did help me so I guess it was fair.

Trying to get the thoughts outta my head about the very fact that he had probably asked me out on a date indirectly, I crossed the school wall and looked around for the black Audi. Spotting it on the far side of the road, I ran towards it. I was already late.

After a few minutes I was there. A girl with long red-brown curly hair opened the door and stared at me with those familiar hazel eyes as I got in.

"Why were you so late?" she asked me with a slight scowl while starting the car.

"Detention. Why did you guys call me?" I asked her while fixing the seat belt. I wasn't expecting it so soon. I wasn't really prepared.

"Dunno. Rose will tell you when we reach, I guess." She replied while glancing at me for a second. I sighed and looked out the window. 

We were soon walking through the lobby of the base. These familiar hallways.

I glanced at Scarlett. I sighed knowing that I had to be the first to strike a conversation. That was how Scarlet always was. Bit of an introvert.

"So how have you been, Scarlet?" I asked Scarlet as a small smile made it's way to my face.

"Fine. They're saying this new mission is very important." She replied without much emotion.

She opened the door to Rose's office and motioned for me to go in. I took a deep breath and walked in.

Rose looked up when the door closed and dropped the papers in her hand on her work desk.

Leaning back in her chair she gave me a signal to sit.

I did as she asked and she sent me her warm smile to which I smiled wide. It felt kinda good, even though I'd prefer being elsewhere right now.

"How are you today, Agent Summers?" She looked at my face with a soft expression. Although she was the boss, it felt like the agency was her child at times and so she treated us as her children.

I smiled wide again.

What? I couldn't help myself okay? Don't be so judgmental.

"How have you been, Rose?" I asked the elderly woman with short grey hair and black eyes.

"Fine, dear. I suppose you're wondering why you're in here?" She asked me and let out a sigh.

I nodded and waited for her to continue since it was much of a rhetorical question. I hadn't interacted with them as much as I should've. I only came here for the usual training and defense classes. My bracelet intimated me of all missions.

"Summers, there's a mission very important. We don't have many agents who are in the perfect situation like yours. And we really want you to execute this mission." She started with a secretive and serious tone (Trust me, she's exaggerating, she always does that), "But before we tell you what you have to do, you have to do something within a month."

"And why would I do that when you know I only take under the radar missions now?" I simply reasoned and shrugged. I didn't mean to be rude but...despite the fact that I had been taking on smaller missions, I had an uncanny feeling this was no small one.

"Agent Lea Summers, you are the only that can do this. Considering our agency's outspread in this city and our targets...." She repeated but this time she had a look in her eyes and I felt a bit uneasy.

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