Chapter Five - Growing Family

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A/N - Soooooo writing this chapter my dumbass forgot that Gai sensei's team is a year older so I'ma just say for story purposes to keep me from going back and rewriting they decided to rearrange Team Gai because it wasn't working or something so they sent them back to academy so uh thats whats going on cause my dumbass forgot shit

 Naruto sighed softly outside the classroom door and put on his fake facade of a huge idiotic smile. At least today was graduation day. After a year of the academy he was ready to leave it, the moron facade left him the subject to bulling and though he could handle it physically it still hurt mentally. The only reason he stayed was so he could become a ninja and work his way to Hokage. 

"Hey bud, you know you don't have to do that. My Honor is just fine having you as my kid" 

'Daddy! I'm about to go into class' 

"I know I just wanted to say congratulations since you're getting your team today" 

"Kit you're not using your chakra on your nerve you know better than to walk into a classroom sound blind" 

'Kurama I get it you're worried I'll get hurt but Baa-chan talked my ears off this morning and I'm getting a headache from using it' 

 Sighing at the over protective 'parents' in his head he walked into the classroom after channeling his chakra to his ears. He wasn't lying about the headache, Tsunade talked all morning about how once he got his team he needed to be true to himself but how could he do that not knowing if it would cause them to hate him more. He was only 12 after all. 

 Sitting down he thumped his head onto his desk and let his chakra disperse the moment Sakura started her yelling of him being late, it wasn't his fault, today.  He lifted his head once he noticed Sakure move from his vision, Iruka-sensei must have told her to sit down. Once he refocused his chakra he learned he was right. 

"Alright class today is your last day in this classroom, you will each be put on a three person team with a sensei. Some may have thought they'd be on teams because of lineage but this year it's been organized for a new strategy" 

 Naruto perked up at that he hadn't heard about this and he knew everything that went on in the village since Tsunade became Hokage. 

"Team 7, your sensei is Kakashi Hatake! Genin are Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyuuga and Shikamaru Nara"

"Team 8, your sensei is Kurenai Yuhi! Genin are Hinata Hyuuga, Ino Yamanaka Choji Akimichi. "

"Team 9, your sensei is Might Gai! Genin are Rock Lee, Sakura Haruno and Kiba Inuzuka." 

"Team 10, your sensei is Asuma Sarutobi! Genin are Sasuke Uchiha, TenTen and Shino Aburame."

 Naruto wanted to smile, sigh and face plant at the teams, for the Hokage to breakup InoShikaCho, to put Rock Lee and Kiba together was a disaster of energy, besides that team 9 seemed to have no source of brains. 

"You may move and sit with your new teammates, your sensei's will pick you up after lunch" 

 Hoping he was done till their sensei arrived he put his head down to rest, using his chakra all morning and just then was giving him a massive migraine. Though his moment of peace was short lived as he was kicked out of his seat so Sakura could sit next to Sasuke. Groaning softly not liking to be totally deaf he channeled a little of his chakra and noticed near Shikamaru was empty. Walking up the stairs to his table desk he asked to sit down. 

"Do what you want, this whole day is a drag" 

 "You have no idea" 

 Placing his head back down he squeezed his eyes shut, even the lights seemed to be making noise. It was so second nature to use his chakra even if it hurt he didn't like not using it, the quiet startled him. 

"You're chakra is focused in your head, why?"

 He looked up to see none other than his new teammate Neji Hyuuga and his Byakugan 

"So what about it? Why are you even using it on me?" 

"You seemed tense and I noticed you're chakra flare acouple times, but you didn't answer my question" 

"I don't need too, to quote are other teammate. Troublesome"

 Shikamaru half snorted from his seat next to Naruto he head leaned back and eyes closed. Neji looked at the two, his eyes still activated he could see they're chakra was oddly calm for being next to a person they hadn't spoke to before. Now more than ever he was glad he was sent back to the academy. 

 Lunch came and went but their sensei was nowhere to be seen. It had been three hours since lunch where was this Kakashi Hatake. Naruto knew where. He was standing at the memorial rock being just as sulky as ever. He'd known Kakashi most of his life, he was one of the ANBU who saved him that fateful night, he also came to visit since he was his fathers student and now he was his. How Ironic. 

The classroom door finally opened to reveal Kakashi a man not far into his twenties with silver hair and an obsession with hiding his face. He made up some lame excuse about being late and told them to meet him on the roof. It didn't take long to get there, small complains from the Nara most consisting of 'What a Drag'

"Lets start with introductions" 

 Being mean Naruto smiled "How bout you show us?"

"My name is Hatake Kakashi, My likes are you're too young to know my dislikes are none of your business and my hobbies you're too young to know. My dream, haven't thought about it. You're turn kit" 

 Naruto glares at the nickname and sat down his migraine coming back from over using his chakra today and now he had to be honest because he promised Tsunade he would and he knew she'd find out if he wasn't.

"Name is Namikaze Naruto, my likes are my family, reading and training. My dislikes are morons, fools and loud people. My dream is to be Hokage and bring my father, the Fourth Hokage, Honor" 

 The group was silent for a while while they mauled over what he just said. Kakashi knew Naruto, knew his likes dislikes dreams and preferred last name. The other two though sat silent, Shikamaru analizing everything he'd said to the smallest detail. Neji watched for any sign of lying. 

"Alright Fawn your turn" 

"Fawn? What's with the baby animals?" 

"Your children and resemble animals so go" 

 He sighed "Nara Shikamaru, Likes cloud watching and naps. Dislikes loud people and work. Dreams sleep" 

"Owlet your turn" 

 Neji glared but complied "Hyuuga Neji, I like training, reading and the quiet. I dislike loud noises, and my clans main family. My dreams are to over take Hinata and become the next clan heir" 

  Kakashi looked at the three and sighed this was going to be a long long couple of years. 


Chapter 5 - Sorry if it's bad I struggle with new beginnings

Chapter Word Count - 1192

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