No one's POV
Hope was half running, half walking towards the old mill in the back of the woods behind the school. She just wanted to get this night over with as soon as possible. But it was only gonna get worse from here on out. She had no idea if Josie would join the party or if she wasn't coming after the fight they just had. Hope was beyond mad at herself for how she had treated Josie just now. She would kill anyone who would ever make her feel so heartbroken, but now she was the reason why and couldn't do anything about it.
Without even realising she was already at the party in the woods. She was so lost in her thoughts about Josie that she hadn't even noticed she was already there. Basically every teenager in the whole school was out having a blast. She looked around to find familiar faces but she didn't see any. This was the one night that there weren't any cliques, everyone got along with everyone. On the left side she saw a big group of people sitting around the campfire playing some drinking games, as usual. On the other side she saw people taking shots and laughing hysterically. Ahead of her she saw people playing beer pong. And at every place she looked she saw tables full of alcohol. They went all out on this one night of the year. It was the only night everyone could let go and drink till they would fall on the ground without any consequences. Of course the teachers didn't approve of it, but there was nothing they could do to stop it. Every year the party gets crazier and crazier. Hope never really felt like the type to enjoy it, but now she felt like she could use a drink, maybe even a couple more to forget about this dreadful night.
She looked ahead and saw Landon and his friends in the back. She didn't want to go to them, but she had no choice. 'Just make the best of it, just do what he asks and then he'll leave you alone' she thought in her head. She looked at him and he looked back at her. He had this pure look of manipulation on his face that just made Hope very sick to her stomach. He never took those unpleasant eyes off of her, watching her every move. She couldn't take it so she looked at the ground instead. What had become of her, that she took this from a guy, especially Landon. She was Klaus Mikaelson's daughter for god's sake. He would be so disappointed in her. She had fucked everything up that her father sacrificed his own life for. For her to have a future and be able to grow up and live a normal-ish life. And for what, she hadn't achieved anything since that day.
She finally arrived at the group. Landon looked her up and down and said ''Look who decided to show up an hour and a half too late. I was starting to get worried. But you obviously took your time to look your best.'' There was a distanced smile on her face. She still couldn't bare to look him in the eyes. She stood 3 feet away from him. Even feeling his breath on her made her feel nauseous. She just stood there looking down at the ground and at the people surrounding her every once in a while. She had no idea what they were even talking about because she wasn't listening at all. ''Hope, do you want anything to drink?'' She heard Landon's voice again. ''Mmh, sure.'' She didn't sound too excited. It had only been a couple of minutes that she was standing there, but it had felt like hours. This is gonna be a long night she thought. But then she felt someone behind her tap her on the shoulder. The first peron that shot in her head was 'Josie?!'. She turned around, but it wasn't her. It was MG standing in front of her.
''Hope, can I talk to you really quickly?'' Hope nodded and walked a few feet away from the group so they could talk in private. ''What's going on, is this about Josie?'' Hope couldn't hide the fact that she cared about her.
''Actually, yeah it is. I can't find her anywhere. She was acting weird earlier. She asked me to help her with something, but then 5 minutes ago told me nevermind and now I can't find her anywhere. Do you know what happened to her, or where she might have gone?'' Hope had this worried look on her face.
''Why would you ask me, we haven't been on good terms the last couple of months.'' She tried to hide the fact that they had a fight earlier, but anyone with eyes could read her face perfectly.
''Come on Hope, we both now what's going on. You both aren't good at hiding your emotions, at least not now. Josie told me she was gonna make tonight special with some girl she has liked since forever and it didn't take me long to put two and two together. But now here you are with the exact same sad look in your face, just like Josie had. And she is nowhere to be found. And don't try to deny anything, because I will figure this out. I'm not mad, I just want to find her. I'm really worried." MG didn't have the same smile on his face like he usually had. He really meant what he said and that frightened her.
''Look, I can't help you look for her, because I'm the last person she wants to see right now, but maybe check the library, she is always there when she is feeling down. Look at the roman novel section, it's her favorite. If you can't find her there, just come back and we'll look for her together. I just have to take care of something before I can leave.'' Hope was looking around to see if Josie was around somewhere, but all she saw were drunk teenagers. ''What favor did Josie ask for by the way?'' She was curious to know if it had anything to do with her. But she could basically already guess.
''She wanted me to keep Lizzie away from the party so you two could go together, and I'm guessing it's because Lizzie wouldn't approve the two of you being together, especially tonight. And I was doing just that before Josie got to us and told me to stop, so Lizzie and I came here. But then I saw you and I just had to ask.''
''Does Lizzie know what happened?'' It was the least of her concerns, but she had to know.
''No, I don't think so at least. She is suspicious though, so I would stay clear of her if I were you. I'll go find Josie, see you later.'' MG was about to turn around and walk away but then...
''I guess you don't have to do that anymore...'' Hope ended her sentence because Josie was walking towards them. At least she was safe, that was all she cared about. ''I should go.'' Hope quickly turned around and went back to the group. Josie almost couldn't watch it, but she had to see it with her own eyes. She had to find out what leverage Landon holds over her so she could finally be with the girl she loves. Hope was back at Landon's side. He handed her a cup of beer. He took a step closer to her and she felt his hand going around her waist to pull her tightly next to him. She felt so uneasy, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.
Josie was looking at them from a distance. It was unbearable to see Hope with someone else and it made her feel even worse to know Hope didn't want to. He kinda forced himself on her, but she didn't stop him. Josie saw his hand grab her waist and slowly slide his hand down. Hope's whole body started to tingle, but not in a good way. Hope drank her whole cup empty all at once. It would take the edge off and would hopefully help her forget this awful night soon enough. Josie couldn't take it anymore so she turned around to face MG. ''Let's just go, Josie. It's not worth it. She made her choice, now it's your turn.'' MG just didn't want to see Josie so heartbroken either.
''But you don't understand, it's not her choice!'' Josie screamed out loud. A lot of people started to turn around and look at her, even Hope. Josie never raised her voice towards anyone. At that moment Josie closed her eyes of embarrassment. Only realising how loud her voice got when it was too late. They waited a couple off seconds for everyone to stop paying attention to them so that they could talk without every person there listening in on them.
''What do you mean Josie, what's going on between the two of you?'' MG didn't understand any of it. He looked very worried for the both of them. Nothing bad ever happened at this school.
''Nevermind, I've already said too much. I just hate to stand here on the side lines, not being able to do anything but watch what's about to happen next.'' Josie started to get angry again, so she took a deep breath and started to walk away. They both started to walk towards Lizzie, who stood near the beerpongtable, not paying any attention to what just happened. Josie looked so annoyed, so Lizzie got the hint and never asked anything.
Hope was trying to slowly get away from Landon's side, but he just pulled her in more. She still had no idea why he wanted to use her like that, but she was in no position to question it. His friends kept staring at her which made her feel even more uncomfortable. The situation just got worse and worse with every second passing by.
This will continu on in part 7 ;)

The One That Got Away - A Hosie Story
FanfictionThe relationships between Hope and the twins has retrogressed since Hope and Lizzie broke up a couple months ago. Any time Josie has liked anyone, Lizzie goes for them and she always wins. But after dating for 6 months, the two ended up going their...