Chapter 3

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Tam's pov. (A/N 😁)



"Did you hear?" 

"Hear what?" 

"Keefe actually got a job" 


"He WHAT?! B-but he's to dumb!" 

"I know! He doesn't even know what that the equation 

24x2+25x−47ax−2=−8x−3−53ax−2 is true for all values of x≠2a, where a is a constant"



"Well then you're dumb too!" 

"Am not!" 

"Are to!" 







"Um the bell just rang...", Fitz pointed at the now silent school. 

"Gah this is your fault", Dex pointed an accusing finger at me whilst trying to get out of the car in two seconds. 

"How is this my fault?!" I threw my hands in the air, "Your the one who started talking!" 

"Can we just go now?" Fitz whined. 


We were about to go into the school when a white Lamborghini came swerving in. Literally. 

"Is that who I think it is?" 

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"Is that who I think it is?" 

"Why would she be late?" 

"I don't know" 

And sure enough, out stepped Biana. Except she came out of....the passenger seat to her own car? Tiny bits of her hair were sticking up and she looked like she had just seen a ghost. Her shock wore off and she turned her head to look at the driver. I couldn't really see the driver well, but it looked like they had a smug grin on their face. The driver opened the door and a girl with dirty blonde hair stepped out. 

Her was in a messy ponytail and she had sunglasses on

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Her was in a messy ponytail and she had sunglasses on. 

"Is it just me, or does that look like something that happens in a movie" Dex muttered. 

"That definitely looks like something from a movie" Fitz muttered back. I just nodded in response. I have no words. 

The back door opened and out hopped a redhead with lots of freckles. Her expression looked as if she was horrified and amazed. Redhead and Biana looked at each other then at Blondie. 

"What the fu-"

I'm on the ground dying of laughter. This was a very short, crazy hilarious chapter that, I think, would settle for the best one I've ever written. Let me know what y'all think! 😂

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