Chapter 1

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"WHO'S UP FOR SOME KARAOKE!", and the crowd cheered. The light moved everywhere before landing onto me. Shoot...

"I-NO-" I was interrupted by the guy coming down and putting a finger on my mouth, shutting me up. 

"ShHh, dOn'T yOu WoRrY!! EvErYbOdY fAcEs ThEiR fEaRs At SoMe PoInT!" He slurred as he pushed me threw the crowd. 

"I'm not scared, I just don't wanna" I mumbled. He shrugged and gave me one last push, causing me to stumble onto the stage. 

I sighed in defeat and grabbed the microphone. The music started and I started singing. Woo hoo. *Note the sarcasm. 

One more drink, got one more Bacardi
One more dance at this afterparty
We still going, going strong
Speed so fast like a Ferrari
We get wild like on safari
We still going, going strong

And all of these good things, good things, good things
All we need, good things, good things, good things

Tonight, we go all night long
We party like Post Malone
Don't tell me to go-o-o
Yeah, we are never, ever going home tonight
Ain't nobody kill my vibe
Don't tell me to go-o-o
Yeah, we are never, ever going home


When the song ended I was panting a bit. Because MY GOD that was a long song. People were cheering and clapping, so I smiled. I handed the mic to the (very drunk) guy and ran back over to my corner where I, once again, shoved a couple making babies out of way. I'm never gonna get that image out my head. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to find two squealing beasts that I call my roommates and friends. 

"What the hell was that!? Actually, better question, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU COULD SING?!" Jess yelled. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I haven't done it in a while!" I laughed. 

"Oh my gosh, that was amazing Soph!" Biana gushed. 

"Yes, yes, now can we please go before I die of embarrassment?" 

"Oh fine, I think this party was bit much anyway" Biana said. 

"YOU THINK?!" I shouted. Biana and Jess laughed as we made our way through the crowd. 


I quickly shoved off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I thought back to the first time I actually sang in front of a crowd. As I was washing my hair, a memory resurfaced into my mind...

 "Sophie Foster!" My teacher called. Shoot. It was my turn and I really didn't want to go up. But then I'd get another burn it I didn't get straight A's, so I did. "3...2...1...go!" The music started playing and I started singing. Here is my song.

I looked shocked at how many people were clapping and cheering. Blushing, I went back to my seat. (A/N Omg, I was SUCH a terrible writer when I wrote the first book!😂)

A banging on the door knocked me out of my memory trance. I rolled my eyes, already knowing it was Jess. 

"WHAT?" I yelled. 

"Dude, you've been in there for like twenty minutes!" She yelled back. 

"Oh shiitake mushrooms" I mumbled, finishing my shower. I hopped out, dried my self off, then put on my pj's. Which consisted of grey sweatpants, and a white crop tank with the word Rogue in blue. I tossed my phone onto the charger, and then tossed my myself onto my bed. I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep. Filled with dreams of toast.

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