Chapter 4

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Sophie's pov. 

"-ck was that?!" 

"What is wrong with you!?" 

"Do you know how crazy that is? You could've gotten us killed!?" 

"Why did you let her drive Biana?" Jess shouted at Biana.

"Why are you blaming this on me?!" 

"Because you let her drive! We wouldn't have almost gotten killed if you had just driven!" 

"But I needed to push back my cuticles!" Biana whined. 

While they were to busy fighting over me (I know, I'm gorgeous), I on the other hand snuck away from the two. I passed three star struck boys and awkward wave, but I had a look on my face that said, don't you dare tell them, so they just stared. One kept looking at me, but eventually looked back at Biana and Jess. I got to the very front of the school before I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around, put my hands around my mouth, and shouted. Quite loudly. 


"How the hell did you get up there!?" Jess shouted. 

"I walked dumbass!" Biana and Jess rolled their eyes at that. 

With that I walked into the school and went to my locker. I had gotten my locker and schedule and all that stuff when I first got here so I already knew my code. Where the classes are...not so much. Spanish was first, and it was room....17, which was.....somewhere. I sighed and checked the time...9:39. Welp! Great. Just great. 

***Time Skip***

After 3 torturing minutes, I finally found my class. I smirked and slammed the door open dramatically. 

"And you are?" Ms. Grumpy pants asked. 

"Sophie Foster, thought you would know that considering the fact that your going to be seeing me every week at this exact time for four years" I opened my arms for a hug, but she just scowled at me. Rude

"Ms. Foster, you have detention for being late on your very first class of the year! I will not tolerate that I've dealt with to much chaos already. Now sit and learn your Spanish!" She spit my name out like it was venom coming from the most dangerous snake known to history. Dang she must hate me! This is going to be awesome year-

"SIT!" With that, I scrambled to the back of the class, totally not whacking some weirdo on the back of the head. 

All through Spanish I was completely bored. Eventually hell was over and I was out of there like a gazelle running from a cheetah. I seriously need to work on my phrases. On the way to my next class I was skipping like some happy 5 year old, when someone purposely stuck there foot out to trip me. Me being me, I saw and purposely stepped on their foot. I smirked when I heard them whine. I put my hand behind my back and stuck the middle finger at them. I honestly don't care if they saw it or not, they just needed it! 

For once, I love life!

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