2: new start

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When my alarm forced me to move to stop its incessant beeping, the sun was half awake and I slipped into a tank top, and leggings with my robes over the top behind the partial divide of the curtains draping round our beds. Pansy wasn't up yet luckily so I went out avoiding any further aggravated attacks from her. Making my way to the common room I saw a bowl of green apples, maybe they were for aesthetic effect but given the little nothing I ate yesterday I thought I deserved one. It was a great apple, you know, the ones that are firm and crunchy but not too sour. I slumped onto a sofa leaning against the armrest with my feet up and shoes left behind on the floor. Flicking open the pages of a Muggle book I was reading I settled back into the story from where I left off. Half a chapter in a deep raspy voice shattered the fiction vision I was immersed in.
Draco: "what are you doing here so early"
Y/n: "it's not that early it's 7:30"
Draco: "I know but round here that's early I'm the only one who gets up before breakfast"
Y/n: "well I've gotten used to waking up this time so you'll be seeing more of me if you're here every morning"
Draco: "breakfast starts at 8" he finalized then slumped into an armchair across from me. "And next time don't steal my stuff"
Y/n: "huh?" I asked completely lost
Draco: "those" he pointed to the apples "are MINE" did he really just get possessive over some fruit? I guess so. Either way I just nodded and focused back on my book. We didn't converse for the rest of the morning.

At breakfast I spotted Avery at the same spot as yesterday so I went and sat next to her at the end of the group. Everyone was taking breakfast foods eating half before they reached their plate, but I didn't take anything, I sat their holding the same slice of melon for the entire time to make it seem I was engaging in the meal. After lunch there was a short gap before lessons started Avery and Blaise were kind enough to use the time to explain how to get to each of my lessons since we wouldn't be together. I hadn't noticed there were other people trailing us.
Draco: "great. Can we go to potions now?" He said coldly
Pansy: "why do we need to help this girl anyway she's not even in our year, get some other pathetic 4th year to help her"
Avery: "no one asked you to come"
Pansy: "you're right come on Drakey" I choked at that's god awful nickname but covered it up with a cough, and my hand over my mouth to cover my smile. Pansy latched herself onto Draco leaning into his obviously uninterested figure, it was funny and even more so when he roughly span round and walked away detaching her arms from him. It made me feel a little better about all the awful shit she spat at me last night.

My first class was herbology, I always thought this was an underated subject, maybe not as exciting as other subjects but the quiet suited me, it meant I didn't have to talk to anyone. Next was transfiguration, there were some random kids bothering me, but I was the new girl, this was normal so I just got on with my own shit. After that was potions, I loved it but I wasn't the best, switching schools makes following a curriculum hard enough let alone the stents at Muggle schools interrupting my learning. It was fair to say I was intelligent, but I lacked the foundations to understand at least 30% of what was explained in lessons, however I got by. Lunch came next, I pulled my normal stunt and sat in an empty classroom reviewing my work. Using books to try and grasp the things I didn't get in lesson. An increase of activity outside signalled the end of lunch so I headed off to my final class of the day flying lessons! I love flying a broomstick and was quite good at it. My parents may not care about me, but it meant I could do basically anything without them noticing, once I snuck out to a party and passed out at a friend's house they didn't even realize I had been gone the whole weekend. They were rich, can't lie, though they never gave me anything, I lived off our house elves love, wherever we moved always had a massive expanse of land I could use to practice broomstick flying. One of the places we lived longest at had little land, but it was wooded so safe to fly in unseen, it also forced me to perfect manoeuvring the hard way. I once impaled my shoulder on a small branch. It left a nasty gash but the house elves fixed me up nice and now you can barely see the scar. Needless to say however I did not own a broomstick, I had always borrowed my parents, but that would become too obvious if I took it to Hogwarts. I sat on a bench as I watched people with their broomsticks, envious but still not too bothered, it was only a school lesson after all, nothing like free flying I enjoyed.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now