10: quidditch drama

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I woke up this morning feeling pretty alright to be honest. I joined my friends at breakfast a little late because I stubbed my toe on my bed post, and cursed off the universe for 5 minutes after. But I got my usual breakfast a small portion of fruit and a yoghurt; if I skipped a meal the day before Draco might put a cracker on my plate too.
Draco: "so, quidditch team try outs today after school is everyone going"
Blaise: "well us three are on the boys team y/n's gotta be there or I don't think she'll make it on the girls team, so really it's just Avery that needs to answer that"
Avery: "well so you know I will be going to support y/n"
Theo: "so the whole gang's gonna be there nice, we can get pizza after"
Avery: "great idea!" Everyone was excited but I was griping my fork hard remembering my still recent ordeal with pizza. Luckily no one noticed though and I sent out a smile agreeing with the group consensus.

Lessons were normal I always say near Mia or Bella or the opposite end to wherever Victoria and Stephanie were to avoid all confrontation possible. I skipped lunch and pursuaded Draco to let me go with just an apple explaining I was anxious about having pizza later luckily he understood but I knew he'd be making sure I ate properly later. Now I was at the edge of the quidditch pitch with Avery and an assortment of girls and boys trying for the corresponding team. There were only Slytherins near us but a distant crowd of Gryffindors were gathered at the opposite end of the pitch for their team tryouts. I was proud and a little possessive when Draco came out with the others in his sports gear looking fine and there was a noticeable increase in girl chatter. He stood there as each of them spoke a bit about the tryouts and what we had to do. Since Gryffindor were here too we didn't have enough room to split into girls and boys so we each took turns in pairs doing a speed and obstacle run. Honestly there were only a few real amazing people, most were just average they might have got onto Hufflepuff but definitely not Slytherin.

When it was mine and another random girls turn a boy called out from behind me as I stood up.
Boy: "hahaha a small girl shouldn't be playing quidditch. I bet you'll get beaten up before you can even get in the air." I saw Draco step forward in anger about to beat this dumb kid up but I spared him by saying
Y/n: "wanna see who'll really get beaten up? Run the course against me, contact allowed"
Boy: "haha sure you're about to get knocked out the sky puny"
Y/n: "you've said it now do it, it won't happen"
Theo: "alright alright you two, y/n start on this line, you kid go over there" we got on our broomsticks and waited for the signal to go, Draco handed me his broomstick and whispered 'knock his ass out the sky and I might let him off easier for insulting you'. As soon as the whistle blew I shot off already in front of him and went straight for the biggest hoop, flying through it then going round the edge of the pitch for the speed trial. In my peripheral vision I spotted the boy catching up to me as we made the bend he tried ramming into me but I went down slightly and flipped under my broomstick. I smirked as I watched him fly inches above me and had to slow down to avoid crashing into a stand. Next was the obstacle course members of the Slytherin team were hovering and flying in the air and we had to get passed them and go though the hoop to finish. I was slightly afraid of the massive evil looking guy aiming to block me but I concentrated and carried on. The boy caught up again and thwacked my broomstick, but missed slightly so I only lost a little height and speed I sped past him and when he went to catch up I did a tight loop so I ended up jest behind him and span the broom round using the end to knock him clean out the sky. Unhesitantly I then made my way through the last flyers and through the hoop. Once I was done I looked down to see the boy being prevented from hitting the ground by one of the flyers. And I giggled slightly.

When I reached the ground a older girl came up to me and high fived me. She said her name was Faith and she was the girls captain.
Faith: "thanks to you I don't think the boys team or the Gryffindors will look down on the girls team again. Do you have a position in mind to play?"
Y/n: "thank I was just doing my bit. And I've never played quidditch before I don't know the positions but my boyfriend said I'd make a good keeper, whatever that is"
Faith: "a keeper is like a goalie, I think you'd do great in that position, or you could be a seeker, we'll see at practice."
Y/n: "does this mean I made the team!?"
Faith: "I would be crazy to reject you... By the way who's your boyfriend?" She asked as I was making a first pumping motion to Draco indicating I won. "Oh my god you got the malfoy's son!?"
Y/n: "yup"
Faith: "he's so rude to girls usually, the whole school was about to think he's gay"
Y/n: "I can assure you he definitely is not gay" I winked at her then smirked to Malfoy, he was half interacting with some of the new boys but sent me a questioning look once I smirked at him.
Faith: "hahaha you're cool, I'm gonna like having you on my team"
Y/n: "thank you, I'm going to go see my friend" we said bye and I went to sit back with Avery

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now