6: exposed

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I woke up in Draco's arms flashes of last night came into my mind, our moans, the feeling of him inside me, his hand round my throat, his body glistening with sweat. Heat rushed to my face and I tried to go back to sleep to calm my mind. It didn't work. Instead I decided to get a drink but as I sat up a pain radiated from down there. I cried out in a small voice instinctively falling back down onto the bed. Then I heard a low chuckle in my ear that send shivers down my spine and into my pussy.
Draco: "are you hurting baby girl" I hit him lazily since I had no energy and he chuckled again. "Just go back to bed"
Y/n: "but I'm not tired anymore, I desperately need a drink for my sore throat and we both need to shower"
Draco: "is that sore throat from my dick in you mouth or you screaming my name" he teased
Y/n: "shut up, but either way it's your doing and you're massive dick and roughness is the reason I can't move so you have to help me"
Draco: "really sounds like you're all helpless and at my mercy just like last night" I punched him harder this time for teasing me
Y/n: "Draco please help me up"
Draco: "uh uh uhh" I knew what he meant and I was honestly to helpless to argue
Y/n: "daddy... Please help me get up"
Draco: "alright princess" he sat up and knelt on the bed before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me to the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and got a glass from a cupboard then filled it with water and passed it to me, I gratefully gulped it down and outstretched my arm signaling a refill
Draco: "I will be soft for you today as part of your aftercare but don't get used to it" he said as he passed me the refilled glass I smiled innocently and took a sip before realising something
Y/n: "what's aftercare"
Draco: "has no one done that with you before"
Y/n: "no one else has done sex with me before"
Draco: "that was you first time?"
Y/n: "I'm only just 16 what did you think"
Draco: "I thought you were but you were just so good I thought you must have experience, oh god did I go too rough baby are you alright"
Y/n: "no I'm fine it was amazing... And Avery did give me some tips"
Draco: "Ew she knows about our sex life now then?"
Y/n: "not ew she's my best friends and she only gave me advice because I was scared of disappointing you"
Draco: "what? No darling never be anxious about being with me, I will always make you comfortable and take the lead if you don't know what to do, but I wasn't joking you were absolutely amazing last night"
Y/n: "thanks" I blushed "you were too, I never thought that kind of pleasure was possible"
Draco: "it is with me my little Beaux"

After Draco ran me a bath, which we ended up taking together, we sat on his bed I was between his legs with my back facing him as he dried my hair with a towel.
Draco: "did I ever tell you your hair is gorgeous"
Y/n: "did I ever tell you yours is too" I giggled and he carried on drying my hair as we chatted. Once he was finished I turned to him.
Y/n: "I should dry your hair too!"
Draco: "it's ok"
Y/n: "no I want to" I grabbed a towel purposefully but had to climb up onto my knees to reach his head. He was now facing my chest as I kneeled Infront of him drying his hair scruffily with a towel. Draco leaned forward and kissed my exposed clevage where his white shirt hung loose.
Y/n: "hey!"
Draco: "it's impossible to ignore such beauties when they're right in front of me"
Y/n: "hmph well I'm done now" I sat back on my feet and smiled triumphantly at his gorgeously messy locks "you look like a puppy" he didn't like it when I made him seem cute but it was too hard not to sometimes. He growled at me lowly
Y/n: "okay now you're a wolf, a scary alpha wolf"
Draco: "and you're my luna" he pulled me onto his lap and we hugged eachother for a little while in perfect silence. Then I had an idea I used my legs to push us onto the bed while I still lay on top of him then I bounced on his chest before crashing into of him snuggling into the crook of his neck like he was a teddy bear.
Draco: "owwww, what was that for"
Y/n: "I wanted to get comfy"
Draco: "did you have to break my ribs to do that"
Y/n: "yes, yes I did" usually he'd scold me slightly for my bratty tone but he said nothing reminding me of what he said earlier "... What else do I get as part of this aftercare?"
Draco: "whatever you need, if you're sore I'll give you a massage, I already applied lotion on your butt, most of the rest is just reminding you what I do or say during sex doesn't mean you're actually a slut or whatever and that your special, beautiful and loved... We could also just cuddle and watch Netflix"
Y/n: "oooh that one!" Draco laughed and turned me round so we were both looking at the wall "wait how do you even have a TV me and pansy don't have one?"
Draco: "god I forgot you have to live with her"
Y/n: "I just ignore her, there's no where else I could go, so no use complaining all the time and making myself more miserable"
Draco: "I guess, and I got the TV from my father, sometimes he can be a bit of a stuck up supremacist, but other times he's alright"
Y/n: "lucky I don't think my parents are even aware of my existence 90% of the time"
Draco: "why'd you say that, I'm sure they care really"
Y/n: "not a chance, the nanny was my one parent growing up, they've never remembered my birthday, I'm just a bit of luggage they have to fill in school transfer paper for whenever they move for business which is more often than gives time to make friends"
Draco: "I'm sorry darling, they're real dicks for not realising your worth" I feel like I put a damper on the mood so I tried to lift it back again
Y/n: "use a different name, now when I think of dicks only great thoughts come to mind" I winked at him
Draco: "hmm well then... fuckers?" He joked
Y/n: "you know that's no better" we laughed for a bit and went back to intermittent comments as we focused on the show playing. Shortly we heard a knock on the door.
Blaise: "if you two are ever planning on getting up the rest of us are heading to lunch in ten" then he left
Draco: "I don't want to go yet let's just stay here" I was about to agree before I realized... Lunch! Shit! I did the charm during lunch yesterday, it lasts exactly 24 hours I need to get out of here before Draco notices. I looked slowly down towards my arm in fear. I nearly got a panic attack right there when I saw very faint shadows of my many many scars coming back onto my arm. I hugged myself to hide my arm from Draco
Y/n: "a-actually I'm pretty hungry I-I think we should g-go" what the hell y/n! Why did you stutter!? Draco is no fool, he easily caught onto my anxiousness
Draco: "you don't need to worry about imposing on me and Blaise if that's what your thinking, I love having you in my bed and Blaise can deal, he barely comes here during the day anyway"
Y/n: "I know I just think we should go" my vagueness, was starting to irritate him and he trapped me in his arms when I tried to sit up
Draco: "darling" he said is a deeper tone "tell me or get spanked and then tell me"
Y/n: "what no it's nothing, I'm hungry that's all" I noticed the scars were almost fully fledged now so I pushed myself off him forcefully, desperately trying to get away from him. He was shocked at my actions I can be playfully bratty sometimes but this is new. He too got up from the bed and came towards me but I stopped him.
Y/n: "stop don't come near me!" He looked even more shocked, even a little scared but still a hint of anger at how I shouted at him
Draco: "baby girl..." Oh god he used his domineering nickname for me "stand here right now" he pointed to the spot in front of his feet, but I didn't move a muscle I saw my robes on the floor where they'd been discarded last night so with my left arm still hidden behind my back I went to grab them, but I was too slow and instead Draco grabbed me. He had my scar covered arm in his hand but he was looking into my eyes as if searching for an answer.
Draco: "why aren't you listening to me baby girl"
Y/n: "I don't have to listen to you all the time Draco"
Draco: "calling me Draco now, don't think there is any chance of you getting away from this anymore, you will tell me what is up with you" instinctively I looked at my arm in his grip, breaking our eye contact in doing so. But that was my fatal mistake as his eyes followed where mine landed and he gasped audibly, revealing my mistake.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now