11: Mondays

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Monday was finally here, I've been looking forward to today for three reasons: one, Draco and Avery were coming back from their school trip this afternoon and I had had 6 meals I was able to skip, but except for that I was glad they were coming back; two, I have my first quidditch practice today; and three, we're going to execute the plan for Avery and Blaise today! I walked out of class quickly when we were dismissed, half excitement for quidditch practice, half desire to avoid Pansy's goons.upon reaching my dorm I fumbled getting into my long sleeve sports top and pleated skirt as quick as possible. Then I sped through the common room and was at the quidditch arena in no time. Faith and Jem where already there and looked surprised to see me.
Jem: "you're here quick y/n I like your spirit!"
Y/n: "I'm excited, what can I say, I've never gotten to be on a quidditch team before"
Faith: "what but you're so good and flying"
Y/n: "I don't own a broomstick, Draco told me his father basically sponsors us, it's the only reason I'm able to be here"
Jem: "I never thought I'd ever say this but thank God for Draco's father"
Faith: "well then, here's your broom, get used to it, we'll start when the rest get here" I gratefully took the broom and commanded it up, then mounted it and immediately flew up, it was the same model as Draco's broom and it was really fast. I flew in circles and loops rounds the stadium then came back down to see a larger group of girls had gathered.

???: "Ooh is this one of the new recruits?"
Faith: "yeah this is y/n everyone, y/n this is Michelle and the team, I can't be bothered to introduce them all, you'll get to know them eventually"
Michelle: "so y/n, what position do you play?"
Y/n: "I don't know I've never played before"
Michelle: "you've got neat flying for a newbie, I'll give you that"
Faith: "that reminds me, today we'll be breaking in the new three girls and figure out where they play best"
Rosa: "y/n do you know any rules or tactics of quidditch"
Y/n: "er does get the balls through the hoop count hahaha"
Rosa: "haha not quite, faith I think she'd make a good seeker, she's got the skills and they'd be wasted if she had to constantly worry about tactics and position"
Nat: "I agree, she's small and by far the most agile than all of us"
Y/n: "thanks"
Nat: "glad you see it's a compliment, I don't want beating up like that kid"
Morolake: "she beat someone up?"
Jem: "it was a great fight hilarious, he didn't get a single punch on her"
Morolake: "why do I miss the best fights! Life is unfair"
Y/n: "I promise I'll tell you before I fight someone again"
Morolake: "thanks, I like you already"
Y/n: "for some reason it's an effect limited to the older years"
Eliza: "not got many friends in your year?"
Y/n: "nah, I'm best friends with Avery"
Eliza: "oh I know here, wait are you Draco's girlfriend!?"
Y/n: "didn't know I was famous"
Eliza: "Draco is, and  the news spread from Gryffindor yesterday afternoon"
Nat: "oh I bet Hermione ran her mouth"
Rosa: "I think Ron is equally likely to be a gossip"
Christina: "anyway, hey I'm in your year, I don't think we have any lessons together but you can count me as your friend from now on"
Y/n: "cool thanks"
Faith: "right everyone but y/n are familiar with quidditch right" everyone nodded "great we'll do some drills Rosa lead the way... Y/n, this is your main focus on the pitch" she lifted a small gold fluttering ball out a case "catch this and we win the game" I nodded intrigued by the elegantly designed ball
Y/n: "what are the other focuses?"
Faith: "they're not really focuses for you but you distract the opposition, they might try knock you off so you can't catch the snitch"
Y/n: "gold ball, don't fall out the sky. Got it!"
Faith: "great because we're gonna need this back by the end of lunch" she threw the golden snitch into the air and I darted around and flew off, I looked and her in shock "this is your training, off you go" immediately, with a grin plastered on my face, I jumped on my broom and darting around after the snitch. It was hard to follow at first but eventually I got familiar with it's shape and accustomed to it's sporadic movement.

I was gradually getting closer on average to the snitch maintaining a 1-3 metre distance. It felt like the snitch was getting tired or maybe I was just getting better because it was easier to follow it. It had just done a super jitter phase so I probably had max 7 seconds of smooth movement. I pushed forwards as fast as I could and the surroundings faded out as I got closer to the snitch I crouch up on my broom reaching out and stood up and leaned forward grasping for it. I got it! Whoo! Yes! CRASHHH!!! I smacked into one of the towers. Suddenly a huge group of people stood in front of me
Y/n: "look I got the snitch!"

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now