17: court

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Today is finally the day. Fuck. I'm going to testify at my parents trial. Shit. And then they going to go to prison. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Avery: "y/n you good? You look dazed"
Theo: "of course she does its today Avery did you forget already"
Avery: "of course not"
Blaise: "Snape gave us all the day off for this so we should get going before the train leaves"
Y/n: "agreed, I need to get moving or my brains going to implode"
Draco: "come on then"

The court was in session beginning at 12 o'clock so we decided to get some brunch while we were in London.
Pierre: "I know this beautiful place with croissants and more patisseries!"
Theo: "let's go there then" he slung an arm over Pierre's shoulder and we followed as he led the way. After some mouthwatering French pastries (thanks Pierre) we went to the ministry of magic court and sat in our seats on the front row. A judge came in and I noticed Narcissa and Lucius who were in authority seats.
Judge: "we are here to determine the guilt and of punishment of Mr Anton Beaux and Mrs Judy Beaux. The defendants are both under the influence of veritaserum, the court will now commence. My mother and father were brought in the doors with handcuffs on they both glared at me more than furious as they took their places. Some person stood and started asking questions to them like name age ect. Then they asked
Offence: "did you and your husband ever hit your daughter"
Mrs Beaux: "no never" WHAT!? they're on veritaserum this can't be happening
Offence: "Mr Beaux did you and your wife ever use an unforgivable curse of your daughter?"
Mr Beaux: "no we have not"
Offence: "now for both of you, how was your relationship with your daughter?"
Mrs Beaux: "not amazing we barely spoke because of work and she would insult and disrespect us whenever we did. We once found her at home stealing my jewelry to pay for drugs she bought off a Muggle gang" what the fuck I barely drink!?
Mr Beaux: "I agree, we failed to give constant attention to our daughter, and as a result she lashed out. I think she did this for attention and to try punish us for not spoiling her"

I didn't realize I wasn't breathing until some other person said...
Lucius: "I'd like to pause the court your honour. I believe there has been a case of misconduct"
Judge: "support this claim Mr Malfoy"
Lucius: "I know this girl, and I have seen inside her head when she wasn't aware. The memories I saw could not have been fabricated" great my boyfriends dad has read my mind and seen my abuse... Then I passed out. My eyes opened a few seconds later on Draco's shoulder luckily i don't think anyone noticed. I was wrong.
Judge: "yes, let's pause... can Miss Beaux please be escorted to a quiet room." Now everyone was looking at me as I regained grip on my consciousness. Everyone left and me, Draco and everyone ended up in another room.
Draco: "don't worry babe my father will sort this, and we have more evidence anyway. Just don't forget to breath next time yeah" he chuckled a bit trying to lift the mood.
Y/n: "okay, yeah, I'm good" I too chuckle a bit and just in time for court to come back.

Judge: "the defendants have both been discovered and charged 6 months for obstruction of justice. Before the offence continues questioning is like to make a request to the defendants. Mrs and Mrs Beaux, please tell the court in what ways you have tried to avoid a fair trial.
Mr Beaux: "we threatened the defence and officers not to give us the veritaserum and followed a false story to tell the court." The rest of the trial went smoother but not smoothly because of the spilled hatred comments from both my parents and how every so often a picture of my injuries would be shown some of which also revealed my cuts and scars.
Mrs Beaux: "our daughter is a worthless slut" my mum suddenly cried out "we only treated her as she deserved!" The whole court went quiet in surprise. Even I thought sometimes, maybe, my parents didn't really hate me, they just got angry a lot. But they were forced to speak truthfully which showed me and the court their true evil. She was telling the truth though so it has to be true right? That means I really am a slut...
Draco: "nuh uh none of that baby girl" oh yeah legilimency "it's their truth what they think it is definitely not the objective truth you can prove that with the testimonies of everyone else you know who care about you."
Y/n: "thank you baby"
Draco: "welcome"
Y/n: "no really, you always do so much for me, helped me out of all my destructive habits and protect me still. I never properly thanked you"
Draco: "because you don't do that, thank people for human decency, that is. And you know I love you so it's my genuine pleasure. I thank you for being in my life at all."
Y/n: "hehe you're welcome" I said jokingly cockily flipping my hair and Draco chuckled and kissed my nose before concentrating back on the judge.
Judge: "I sentence the defendants each 45 years in azkaban for their crimes against magic and humanity"
Mr Beaux: "no! You bitch look at me, you will regret this you hear me. You sent your parents to jail, your a ignorant worthless human!" He was quickly dragged out before he could finish.
Mrs Beaux: "you're no daughter of mine, I'd never allow such a monstrous face and dirty girl to hold the Beaux name" I ignored it as she too was dragged away and started walking out but Draco wasn't with me
Draco: "who gives a fuck! She'll be a Malfoy woman soon anyway!" He was angry. He turned back to me and lifted me up carrying us out the court room. He walked into an empty room and sighed heavily still holding my head onto his chest hugging me.
Y/n: "baby?" He didn't reply "we won. What they said didn't hurt me much baby don't get mad and waste your energy." I looked up at him, my legs still wrapped around his waist, and saw he was stiff still, it was kinda intimidating and very hot, I couldn't stop the words that came out my mouth next.
Y/n: "take it out on me. Use me" he looked into my eyes and saw the excitement in them and scoffed
Draco: "such a whore for my dick"
Y/n: "just you daddy, no one else could make me feel how you do" Draco the pushed me up against the door we entered it using the pressure to temporarily remove one hand from my back and lock it with a spell. Then he moved that hand to his trousers and unzipped them and pulled them down with his boxers just enough to let his dick out. He moved his hand between my thighs now and ripped my panties off and stuffed them in my mouth gagging me he then kissed my lips with the panties hidden in my mouth and pushed up against me more I felt his dick rubbing my slit and I moaned over the panties. He then positioned himself and thrusted straight into me with no prep making me cry and and realize why I needed the gag. He immediately went rough on me and I didn't take long for me to feel my climax building. I whimpered and tried to look into his eyes to show him and I think he got the message as he started thrusting harder taking his cock out until the tip the thrusting back in all the way. After another minutes he allowed me to cum and he held me up as I lost all my energy and came in me after.
Draco: "thank you darling, your so good for me, letting me use that pretty cunt"
Y/n: "you felt so good daddy"

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now