48. A Kiss Before Dying

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Song of the chapter is Love Song by Lana Del Rey

-Ahaan Jaiswal-

-48--Ahaan Jaiswal--Present-

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Delmore's Commercial Area
20 December, 2019
5:17 pm

Daniel hummed along to some eighties song, his long fingers tapping gently on the steering wheel. His cologne invaded the air inside this seemingly old Sedan, a signature smell of lavender that reminded me of spring. A ghost of a smile threatened his lips.

So far, not a word had been spoken except for the usual pleasantries.

" So..." He began as my breath hitched in my throat. " You've been awfully quiet. What's the matter?"

"Uh.. nothing...no.. nothing, it's just...." I stammered.

" You're nervous, aren't ya?" He said, laughing slightly.

" Well," I drew a deep breath and looked away from him. "I have never done this before."

" This as in? "

" Gone on a date." I stated, biting my tongue.

" Gone on a date in general or gone on a date with a guy?" He asked.

I hesitated before speaking, "Uh...both."

A tiny laugh ricocheted from his lips and brightened up his face. The sight of it made my chest swell, heart beating in quick thumps.

" Well, don't worry Ahaan. You're not the only one." Daniel said, as we turned towards Delmore's main street.

Delmore's main street stretched beyond us, it's dark grey asphalt glistening against the sunlight, while it's painted yellow lines appeared neon under it. Some commercial establishments aligned on either side of the road, all colourful and antique. The five o'clock sun hung low on the clear sky, bathing the town a golden yellow that revealed all of it's imperfections.

" You mean," I asked , looking at him. " You too haven't ever...gone on a date before?"

" I have gone on a date. " He said in a matter-of-fact kind of manner. " I just haven't gone on a date with a guy."

I quirked a brow. " Wait-then who did you go on a date with?"

" Her name was Raahi. She used to go to the same school as me before I moved here." He said.

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