14. Hopeless Romantics and Serial Killers

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Song of the Chapter is Certain Things by James Arthur ft. Chasing Grace

-Himanshu Arora-

-14--Himanshu Arora--Present-

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Afreen Residence
18 November, 2019
8:16 pm

Have you ever felt fear?

A fear so terrorizing, so gut choking, so real that you couldn't breathe? A fear that was mind numbing and so painful to process that your hands trembled and eyes remained hauntingly widened for too long that it hurt?

That was the feeling that we all felt when Zoya showed us the mirror in her room. The red paint was fresh, the letters were real. We stood there just gazing at the mirror for so long that we couldn't practically feel our legs.

Whoever this person was..they meant business. They weren't just joking or fooling around anymore. This was real and this was happening to us.

" We need to clean this up before your parents come." Ronnie said in a soft voice.

" Yeah, no kidding." Zoya said. "This asshole screwed up my entire mirror."

" That's what you're worried about?" Kartik raised a brow. " Zoya, whoever this person is could've hurt you."

Zoya looked at him with a smirk almost blossoming on her lips, "Kartik , if this person really had the balls , he would've come for me , instead of writing cryptic messages on my mirror." She gave him a tight lip smile. "And trust me, it would've taken him a hella lotta effort to so much even touch me."

Kartik scoffed and smirked looking away. Siya sucked a deep breath.

" Okay...um...so we clean the mirror?" Ahaan asked dubiously.

" Yeah, and one of us can stay with Zoya until her parents arrive." I suggested.

" Oh shut up. You don't have to babysit me." Zoya said , giving me an annoyed look.

" No, Zoya. Moose is right. Somebody needs to be here with you until your parents are here in case this person comes around again." Ronnie said.

Zoya shrugged and rolled her eyes. " Gosh, you guys are annoying. Fine , one of you can stay with me. Excluding Kartik."

" Why not me?" Kartik asked, almost sounding hurt. What was up with these two?

" Because if my parents come and see you here, you and I both know what'll happen." Zoya reasoned.

Kartik shrugged.

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