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Song of the chapter is
Waves by Dean Lewis

-Veronica D'Rosario-

-00--Veronica D'Rosario--Present-

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D'Rosario Residence
28 February, 2020
9:30 am


It has been two months since the incident.

To say that we have gone back to our normal lives would be a  half-truth. It isn't something we had hoped to do when the reign of terror had ended two months ago. We all knew that no matter how much we tried, we could never go back to how we were before everything.

And perhaps it is a good thing that we can't. Because then I may have never got the most incredible friends I could ever wish for.

The days after the incident had gone in a blur. Kartik's surgery was successful.  Siya was well and fine. And the rest of us were feeling much better and our injuries were better too.

We talked to Detective Gomez a few times, explaining the details of that night together with sharing everything that we had been keeping a secret for all these months. The truth was out and all of our parents knew about our secrets.

We were the talk of the town. Reporters  were all over us, asking us questions and snapping our pictures whenever they got the chance. Kartik was a major source of interest for them for obvious reasons.

Speaking of him, he had decided to reconcile his differences with his family and forgive them. When his father had come to know about the truth, he had broken down in front of Kartik and asked for his forgiveness. His parents decided to get a divorce anyway. Kartik stayed with his father while his mother moved out.

The truth had shattered yet another family ----Siya's family. Nikhil had left town immediately after learning the truth. He had stated that he had absolutely no idea about Sanchi's intentions and had apologized to Siya before leaving. As for Siya's parents, they were simply spellbound by the truth. They could not imagine in a thousand years that their daughter could actually do such a thing. While they mourned her loss, they also redeemed themselves for their other daughter. They accepted her relationship with Kartik and even talked things out with the Malhotra family. Siya and Kartik were very happy.

As for Zoya, she still struggled with the nightmares that the night had scarred us with. Her parents had rushed to her aid when they had come to know about the truth. Maybe after all they really did love her more than their work. She and Saina had grown closer than ever. They almost behaved like childhood bestfriends. It was funny to me because not even two months prior to that, they had been on each other's throats.

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