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"Only The Family in my eyes, bitch we got each other" -OTF

Ari's Pov:

Choppa and Top just walked me and Yasmin up to the kitchen and y'all I instantly fell in love! What most people don't know about me is that kitchen is my happy places. Cooking and baking for some reason puts my mind at ease.

Ari: Yas what you trynna make

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Ari: Yas what you trynna make...

Yas: I don't know but it got to be all that cause this is the first time we are meeting the family.

Ari: I was think Hibachi cause it cause be plated nice but is fun and customizable.

Yas: I think that's perfect... How about I do the rice and the vegetables and you do the steak and shrimp.

Ari: Okay lets get to work...

*45 Minutes later*

Ari: Okay... we are finally done! What time is it??

Yas: Umm. 7:30

Ari: Okay that's perfect not to late not to early...

Ari: Okay that's perfect not to late not to early

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Yas: I also made some drinks for dinner but me and you got virgin ones

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Yas: I also made some drinks for dinner but me and you got virgin ones

Ari: Oouu sissy that looks bomb I also made a Strawberry Trifle for dessert.

Ari: Oouu sissy that looks bomb I also made a Strawberry Trifle for dessert

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Yas: Sissy we worked our asses off I hope they like it

Ari: Me too let's set the table and get cleaned up and get dinner started.

After we finished getting dress we told Beanz to gather everyone for dinner. When we started setting up the table getting plates ready some of the workers came down. Some was mugging while others was looking real happy to see us but not in a good way. All five of the workers gave me bad vibes, when I look to see if Yas peeped she was already looking at me. We had to restrain from mugging back cause we not trynna make no enemies. 

After all the plates was sat out and filled and drinks was being sat down. As we were doing all that all the girls that was sitting down soon rose to there feet silent as a church mouse where a group of five women walked in. Me and Yas stop what we was doing to pay respect to them. As they sat down everyone started talking while me and Yas still getting dinner ready. About five minutes past and it begin to get silent again but this time the energy was definitely off. I looked up to see all the girl bow their heads even the wives, me and Yas looked at each other and complied. 

After some chairs pulled out I see the girls starting to sit down I finally looked up. I seen Choppa, Top, and Blue but they was sitting at the end of the table which mean they wasn't important as the five that was sitting at the head. It was three light skins and two darks skins. Something about the dark skin ones reminded me of home I kept feeling it in my gut. 

Finally me and Yas sat down I was expecting to do grace as a family so I grab Yas hand then Top and bowed my head. I me and Yas bowed and was waiting for everyone else but when it started to take to long we looked up. Everyone was staring at us. Yas looked at me and we decided to do our own little pray and get to eating. 

Choppa: Damn!! Ya'll put y'all's damn food in this..

Top: Ong god this shits good asf y'all got some more steak left 

Yas was laughing a little i guess she read their lips.

Yas: Yea there's some left over

Courtney:I thought the bitch was handicap how did she even hear them

My fork literally dropped out my hand onto the plate. I guess the girl was mumbling so low that Jas wasn't able to read her lips cause she gave me a look like why I drop my fork. I started to sign to her what this bitch said and I could tell it effected her a little and that made me even more mad. Yas could tell so she rubbed my hand telling me to calm down, so I just ignored what ole said and ate my food. 

Clarence: Is ole girl deaf or sum cause why y'all signing???

Von: On me I thought they was throwing up GDs 

That made the other dread head laugh and me and Yas too.

Ari: Neva Dat 

Durk: What y'all know about GD and BD y'all from the Raq

Ari&Yas: Yea 

Von: BD 4life 

We all got hyped as fuck while these bitches was mugging us.
To be continued....

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