Private Thoughts

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Ari's Pov:

It was the second night in here, so far I couldn't bring my self to sleep. It was a little chilly in here and I had just got finished eating this sand-which Yas packed me with some chips. Last night I stayed up all day. I wasn't bored necessarily just worried.  

My mind was racing about so many things, I was worried about Yas and curious about how Kai was. I know I've only know her for a little bit of time but I just love that little girl. I still can't believe Bernice just left her, I want to believe that she had a good reason to but I could feel it in my stomach that she did it on purpose.

I started to think about the Don, I knew he was a bad person but yesterday when his eyes went jet black I knew it was a whole different, a whole evil person that has yet to been released. Even though he scared me shitless yesterday I admired his reaction about his daughter. It showed me that he cared, and that he was capable of love. When he thought she was missing you could see he was broken and when he saw me holding her he couldn't control himself. Kai was his world, when he couldn't find Bernice he was worried but when he couldn't find Kai he was terrified. 

I wonder how long me and Yas was going to be in this predicament. I know I keep saying that this is temporary but I don't know how we are going to get out of this. I have no money, and no ways to provide for us both, I refuse to let Yas work because she only 15. She needs to be in school, she supposed to be worry about Junior prom not this. She never experience a normal life and I want to give her one so bad even if we will never be normal.

Even all the shit that went on at home I missed my mom, the one she used to be. The one who wakes up every morning even on school night and cooks a huge breakfast. The women who makes popcorn and order snacks on Friday for movie nights. The one who caressed my hair and holds me tight when I had nightmares. The one who I could count own for anything. Even though she hurt me I pray for her every night. I pray that what ever demons she fight she concure them and return to her normal self. I hope that she okay, that Frank ain't abusing her.

Then my mind drifts to a person I tried so hard not to think about, Kyle. Kyle was my everything, still is my everything. Kyle took all my worries away, he always provided me with brighter days. I miss his smile that was bright enough to blind the sun. I miss his laughter that can bring a smile to the deaf. I miss words that can make you feel unstoppable. I miss his hugs, and warmth. I miss him with everything in me. If had the power to I would wish for god to take me, Kyle, and Yas far away.

Sometimes I feel as if it was a blessing for me to end up here. I believe everything in my life happened for a reason. God doesn't do thing without purpose, he always have a reason. I believe that he took Kyle away cause he served his purpose, also because I need that heartbreak to gain strength. I needed that angel watching over me. I believe he lead me to this house to find Yas cause he knew we needed each other. I believe he lead me to Kai cause we need each other. He always has a purpose, I just can wait until I know what was all this for.

Yas gave me a note book and I've been contemplating on what I should write in here, it could possible keep my mind of things. This book could possible be my therapy. I started to think about how to write when I thought of a poem.

Dear Kyle
"My dear Kyle now that you are gone
You're no longer here to share
The bond we had together-
A bond of love and care.
Yet, somehow something tells me
You are watching over me-
Now that from Worldly cares
You finally are free.
I miss you so very much,
And my tears I cannot hide
Yet, within my heart, I feel
You are always by my side.
Ever since you went away
Life has never been the same
Yet,it comforts me to know
That one day we'll meet again"

As soon as I finished it was like an instant relief came over my body. I started to relax and was able to close my eyes and go to sleep.

"Good Night Kyle, I love you always and forever."

Kinda short chapter but I just wanted to update 

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