"I was a real bitch for a fake nigga so it never added up
I gave him everything that I ever had and it still wasn't enough
I would have went to war with the whole world if it meant savin' you
You had me paranoid, every single night, thinkin', "What...
This morning I was confused about where I was until I realized I was in the movie room and remember we all watched a movie in here last night and must have fallen asleep. I was about to get up when I realized there was a arm wrapped around me. I looked back and saw Dave which had me confused cause why was we sleep like this. I shrugged it off. I got up and went to the bathroom by the movie room and in the hall ways I noticed the clock said 10:30am. I went to see Dave still sleep peacefully and decided to let him rest a while. I went upstairs to see Yas getting dressed with a sleepy Kai passed out over her bed looking just like Dave.
Yas: Good morning Sus sleep good?
She had a little smirk on her face I guess referring to how me and Dave was laid up together. I just rolled my eyes and she laughed.
Ari: The thing is I did and now im ready for the day. Ima about to take a shower and start cooking. You can lay Kai down with her dad while you get started ima wake them up in a bit before breakfast is done.
Yas: Okay
I then got into shower and got dressed for the day. I out on the sweat suit outfit with these Yeezy's I got just trynna dress chill for the day.
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After I got out I went downstairs and got all the ingredients out for breakfast and deciding to go and wake Dave and kai up wanting them to be ready when breakfast gets done so we can just eat and go on with the rest of our day.
Ari: "Dave...Dave...Wake up"
Dave: "I'm up...what time is it?"
Ari: It going on 11:30 and I'm about to start breakfast well brunch so go get in the shower and stuff.
Dave: Aight.
After the left I went back in the kitchen and started cooking while Yas was cleaning up the movie room and setting the table.
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I want to make sure we ate good and had energy through the day especially knowing today was gonna be a long one.
Ari: "Food's ready!!"
I then here Yas fat ass running along with Dave ass like they really be starving or something.
Ari: Damn y'all starving huh
Yas: Yess and this looks so good.
We all sat down at the table and said our prayers and begin eating.
Dave: Ari in about an hour Lauren should be here.
Ari: Okay so what will this training all consist of?
Dave: Well first y'all will be going over etiquette and mainly what and what not to say to this people. Then you will go over having to read people...body language, slick tongue and stuff like that. Then last but not least y'all will be picking out what to wear and all that for the dinner.
Ari: Okay sound good what time are we leaving out for the dinner?
Dave: Around 9pm so be ready Ari...I'm serious
Ari: Okay...Okay
After breakfast
Dave: Okay Ari she's here you ready to meet my sister.
Ari: Here goes nothing I guess...
We walked out front and a all white Bentley pulled around, seconds later a the driver hopped out and went to open the back door. Not a minute later a gorgeous women got out the car with her sunglasses on dressed up in Chanel. She thanked the driver and started heading over to us. Instead of speaking she came up to me and walked around me in a circle, examining me from head to toe. She then looked at Dave and said....
Lauren: I approved!!! She's gorgeous Dave!!
Ari: Thank you so much and your gorgeous yourself.
Lauren: Thanks huh! But Dave get you big ass over here and give your sis a huge
Dave: Hey baby sis long time no see, I miss you and bro, plus the kids...I can't forget about my shorties.
Lauren: They bad asses...Nah I'm just playing but look I got it from here Nip said meet him somewhere... he said you'll know the place.
Dave: Good lookin and Aye y'all behave especially you Ari. If anything happens call us.
Lauren: We know now go on please..
Dave: Oh Ari... Kai is going to be with Yas so can you check on them from time to time
Ari: Will do boss...
Dave: Aight im gone
Dave then got in the same Bentley and told the driver something and they left now it was just me and Lauren.
Lauren: So...Boss Huh?
Ari: I know its so stupid but hey technically he is the boss and thats his order.
Lauren: So you want me to believe that y'all only have a boss and worker relationship.
Ari: I mean you could believe what you want but I'm telling you its nothing more. I work for him and thats all.
Lauren: Mmh... I don't believe it but we'll see. Let's go and get this day started.
After hours of preparation
Lauren: Ari your a natural your the perfect person for this type of event... my brother chose well.
Ari: Thanks, I mean its not hard to act a certain way especially when knowing there is a time and place for everything.
Lauren: I think the only things thats going to be difficult is being around so many fake people...its honestly irritating trust me I know from experience.
Ari: As long as I treat this like a job I should have no problem with being around their fake asses cause ima be acting just like them.
Lauren: Thats exactly how you go about this just worry about the goal and not what's happening around me.
After about 3 hour session on just tone, walking, eating, sitting, and etc. I was finally done. As Lauren would say "I'm a natural." All of this shit was just common shit.
After that we went over hair and makeup. Then we went of basic self defense skilled which was required by Boss.
After that I picked out my clothes and started getting ready for tomorrow after I fed everyone. I then got in the shower and went to sleep.