The new nanny

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"Two months later"

Ari's POV: 

It's been two months since we start our maid jobs and let me just say I can't wait until it's over. The first few weeks them women had us running around doing all types of shit that maids ain't supposed to be doing. Also me and Yas only communicated with each other. One day choppa and top came in to the kitchen while we was cooking and we all started to joke around...Don wasn't home but one of them little bitches snitched and to say he was pissed off was an understatement! He cut all communication with us and them, they barely come to the house anymore and we they do they never speak. I really don't care about it but Ik it's affecting Yas cause she likes to socialize a little. As of right now none of the men are home they went on a business trip about two days ago and we don't know when they are getting back. I'm currently up making breakfast I let Yas sleep in a bit she needed a break. I was setting plates out, ready to leave after notifying that the food was done until I get interrupted...

Bernice: Jigsaw!!!!

I just looked cause i know this bitch ain't taking to me!

Bernice: Hello???

I suck it up and then turn around to answer her

Ari: Yes ma'am 

Bernice: I need you to watch my baby for a little bit I have to do something 

Ari: Your baby???

Bernice: Yes me and the Don child, a baby girl. He would be very upset if you declined me by the way... 

Ari: *sighs* Where is she???

Bernice: Upstairs I'm going to get her and her stuff now. This doesn't mean you stop working you have to find a way to do both. 

She then left and got the child she was talking about...That baby girl looks exactly like the Don!

Bernice: I hope you know what your doing because my nanny did everything. The only reason she ain't here is cause she was talking reckless and had to be laid to rest. So don't try shit! Don't call me if somethings wrong figure it out. Oh and by the way her name is Kairi Chanel. Bye.

And with that she left. The baby girl was sleeping in my arms she couldn't be more than 5 months. 5 months and your already leaving your child and going out to do lord knows. I just took it for it was and finish up cooking so I could wake Yas up to get the day started. 

Ari: Yas baby get up 

Yas: I'm up, what time is it???

Ari: 10:30

Yas: We late 

She started jumping up causing me to
laugh a bit no trynna wake the baby in my arms

Ari: It good I got you

Yas: Ari who the hells baby you got???

Ari: Take a look at her and guess

Yas: That's the Don's baby she looks exactly like him! 

Ari: I know nothing like Bernice...

Yas: How you get these peoples child you trynna get us killed??

Ari: No Bernice left and told me to watch her she gave me all her stuff. 

Yas: I wonder where she went

Ari: No telling with her but ima need you help with this cause I still got to do my job. 

Yas: okay how this about to work??? 

Ari: I'm the morning you sleep in to about 10:30 with baby girl while I clean from 5-10:30 and then you go up their while I feed baby girl and get her ready for the day. After I'm done me and baby girl will come join you I got this harness that straps her to my chest for throughout the day. Around 8 after we make dinner you take her down stairs and get her dressed for bed. We take alternate breaks through the day. We just do this until Bernice comes back I guess. 

Yas: Okay that good let's go. 

We started working I wasn't surprised when no one notice me with a baby strapped to my chest but we are barely seen a lot them probably forgot use and only remember when they needed something. 

Dave's POV: 

Right now me and the boys are in the D.R to handle business. When we tried to trade the spot was raided with feds. Someone had to tip them off cause these docks was abandoned and haded been used since the 1920s. We had a rat on our case and me and the Cartel in the D.R decided to lay low. He suggested we stay here for a while and wait for things to cool down. To say I'm pissed is an understatement, we can't get in contact with nobody from home because the phones could've been tapped so we through them out. We had a whole bunch of people we need to be safe so we had to do what's best. I wish I could call Bernice fine ass and talk to her and my baby girl. This can go on for too long I got to get home to baby girl. She's just 5 months I'm not missing out on too much. I hope all them bitches know that they need to still be working, we need that money coming in especially since we gotta be off the grid for a while. I just hope we find this rat...

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