Introduction Part 2

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Ari's POV:
Me and Yas just looked at each other like what is this bitches problems??? But fuck it this shit temporary... While we just quiet down and silently ate our food why the others talk. 

Dave: Aight y'all new bitches listen up 

His voice was so damn deep and sexy but it also gave me a bad vibe..

Dave: I'm the Don and you will address me as Don or daddy Don nothing more nothing less. As of now you are my property, I own you until I say I don't. What ever I says goes and so does everyone's else at this table. We focus on class and right now your the lowest. One thing I don't tolerate is disrespect... You will get punished. This is King and Izzy my brothers. Durk and Von my cousins. Top and Choppa my baby cousins, they still in training right now. We are the bosses of everyone in this room. After us comes our wives, mines being Bernice, King & Aaliyah, Izzy & Carmen, Durk & Bianca, Von & Asian. Choppa and Top are single as of now. What are y'all jobs???

Ari: We are maids...

Dave: okay... since you sign it's your job to make sure she knows what to do and what's going on... if she misunderstood things and do don't do things properly it's on you. 

I just nodded to show I understand 

Dave: You always answer me verbally unless permitted other wise so you either say yes sir or no sir and so forth...

This nigga blowing me.... 

Ari: Yes sir 

Dave: Since your at the bottom of the food chain you will be staying in the basement.... Also enjoy the clothes y'all are wear now because as of tonight you will only have five sets of maid outfits and night clothes since you won't be leaving the house anytime soon...understood???

Ari&Yas: Yes Sir

Dave: You will wear little to no make up hair will need to be pinned up doing work hours... you are meant to stay in the shadows and not be seen nor heard. Which brings me to no talking during work unless it's just you two alone...Everything will be earned not given...This will be the last family dinner you attend, your the help you eat after everyone else. You sleep when the house is sleep unless you have confirmed that your not needed. You don't attend family meeting or events unless permitted. Last but not least you can't have any relationship outside of this house... that includes friendships and relationships. Understood??

Ari&Yas: Yes sir...

Everyone was sitting around the table staring at us. Some feeling bad about how we were treated and some smirking happy about the treatment. I looked over at Yas who looked at me, we both knew we had to do something fast or our lives was going to be a living hell. No matter how some of them seem koo their loyalty lies with the Don. 

Dave: Y'all newbies are dismissed start cleaning up and getting ready for bed we have a long week ahead of us. 

Me and Yas got up and started cleaning off the table, washing the dishes, and cleaning the kitchen before headed downstairs. They continued to talk like a normal family while they just act as if nothing happened. As me and Yas got down stairs one of the guards pointed to room they had maids written on it... it was a conjoint room where we share the bathroom. I told Yas to find something to sleep in while I find something to remove our makeup and protect our hair. When we met back in the bathroom I ran the shower and told Yas to go first she wanted me to stay in the bathroom while she showered. It was the perfect time to discuss things with her cause they wouldn't be able to hear just in case there listening. 

Ari: Yas I need you to listen to me very clearly... DONT TRUST NO ONE IN THIS HOUSE I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NO ONE... their loyalty lies with in them, with in the Don... that means we will never have the capability to change that. We got us we protect us you got it???

Yas: Yes

Ari: If you hear anything...see anything play stupid! This right here is our private time to discuss things we can trust no other place. If we are around someone and we need to communicate either sign or shoot signals cause one thing we have is the ability to communicate like no one else in here. I need to do what your told if your uncomfortable come find me cause I don't trust them girls around you. Always protect yourself no matter what happens I got your back. 

Yas: Alway and forever! 

Ari: Always and forever! 

Yas: Okay I'm done Ari get in 

I got in the shower and washed up. We both washed our hair so I'm detangling Yas hair and putting them in to twist to take down in the morning and the same to my hair. Yas said she wasn't comfortable sleeping alone so we slept in my bed. As we were falling to sleep I notice Yas kept turning and twisting, then she shot up panting...

Ari: Yas what's wrong?? 

Yas: sometimes I get this nightmares about my past... it's usually triggered I think it's because of all of this...

Ari: My brother used to get those I used to sing him a song to calm down... I ain't a singer but it work... do you want me to sing??

Yas: Please....

"Ari Singing" 
Most of us are angry
Most of us are strangely
More alike than we'd like to believe
Most of us are empty
Most of us are simply
More alive in the scenes of our dreams

Then there's you
You've got something I've been wanting, oooh
You're so new
You're my salvage, you're my balance, oooh
You're so new

Most of us are hurting
Most of us are searching
Someone to love
Someone to understand
Most the time I'm fighting
Multiple voices residing
In my head

Then there's you
You bring silence to my violent truth
Yes you do
You're my salvage, you're my balance, oooh
You're so new

I turned to Yas to see she was sleep... that brought me enough peace to sleep too...

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