Slushies & Soulbearing

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Captain Marvel has a heart-to-heart with Harley Quinn above the streets of Gotham.

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If he was honest with himself, he wasn't sure how it had gotten to this point. 

Currently, the demigod was sitting on the edge of a roof in Gotham, Harley Quinn of all people sitting beside him. They had Slurpees in their hands and were watching the sunset-- the evening was a quiet one, clouds in the sky parting to allow them a glimpse of the oh-so-rare sunlight in this bleak city.

The warm light cast long shadows over Gotham and painted the upper atmosphere in a menagerie of pinks and blues, as if Olympus itself had decided to split the skies and give mere mortals a glimpse of the heavenly light.

Captain Marvel glanced at the blonde former psychiatrist beside him, his shoulders slumping slightly at the sight of tears in her eyes, glistening in the evening sun.

She leaned against his muscular arm, slurping on the bright red straw that stuck out of her purple drink. A sigh escaped her mouth when her lips parted from the straw, eyes glued to the horizon and the coast that bordered the gothic city. 

"Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if I'd just kept on bein' a boring old psychiatrist," she said suddenly, keeping her eyes on the mixture of colored that pigmented the sky.

"Sometimes, when I'm feelin' real down, I think to myself that I'm just at the mercy of whatever floating nutcase in the sky is havin' a bad day. With all that's been happenin' with Joker and Ivy... I just..." the blonde trailed over, putting her lips back on the crimson straw. 

"I dunno. I just think that- it might be better if I'd never met Joker. If I'd managed to resist him."

"But then other times..." she continued, nestling up closer to him and swirling her frozen drink as he took a sip of his. "I think this life I got ain't so bad, ya know? Sure, there's the lyin' and the cheatin' and the killin' and the back stabbin'-" Captain Marvel gave her a look. 

She cleared her throat and swirled her drink with slightly more concentration. "But there's this rush that it gives me. More of a rush than any ol' normal job could."

She stayed quiet for a moment, taking a drink of her Slurpee as cotton candy-colored clouds sailed over their heads. Her grip tightened on her cup, black and red nails digging into the thin plastic.

"Ah what am I sayin'... I ain't in charge of this life of mine- them douchebags in the sky are. I'm just along for the ride, right?" she asked, looking up at him. 

Cornflower eyes mirrored one another, and Marvel felt his heart ache for the woman as he glanced away.

Sure, she was still a criminal, a person who had done plenty of evil, horrible things, but she was still a person. A deeply flawed person who was hurting, just like anyone else.

The raven set his white plastic cup down on the edge of the roof and looked down at the blonde that only came up to his chest. 

"Harley," he started, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck. She pulled her eyes from the sky to look at him again, drawing the straw from her mouth and setting her own cup down on the edge.

"Look, I know I'm not the be-all-end-all on things like this. Half the time I feel like a kid just playing a superhero," he said, looking back towards the setting sun. She followed his gaze, and let out a sigh. "But.... I know this."

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