Scars | PART 2

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~ ~ ~ Scars | PART 2 ~ ~ ~

* Enjoy! *

The video of the boy examining his scars was played on the massive screen before the group of heroes, the adults staring with mixtures of horror and solemness on their faces. Clark sat silently, staring as the boy flinched when coming in contact with his own skin, as if it burned him.

The image disappeared when Billy stood up, putting his shirt back on, along with his oversized hoodie. He climbed onto the mattress and lay down, covering up with the threadbare blanket and falling asleep quickly.

Batman stood before the group, his face even more unreadable than normal. "I realize you have questions. But unfortunately I won't be answering any of them," he said bluntly, taking the USB with the video on it out of the League computer. "Whether or not Batson has these scars is none of our business, otherwise, he'd have told us by now." he said, pocketing the device.

"No one is to confront him on this matter, got it? If you'll recall how you reacted to his civilian identity, I believe you'll realize why Billy has yet to tell us of these scars." Batman told the group with a sigh. "If he comes forward himself, that will be different, but NO ONE is to confront him on the matter. Got it?"

The league had been quiet until this point, but the billionaire noticed tensions were growing. Kent's fists were clenched so tight that his knuckles were white, while Diana gripped his shoulder with equal strength. Bats noticed that Cyborg had been noticeably absent, and only now saw that he was keeping an eye on Billy.

"That's bullshit, Wayne, and you know it." Jordan finally spoke up, drawing attention to himself. "We gotta know if the kid's alright. Barry and I can go check up on him, just like normal, and see if anything's up about his skin. Maybe if we drop some clues he'll open up to us." he said, grabbing the Flash's arm and hoisting him up.

Batman frowned, wasn't this exactly what he just told them not to do? "No, Hal I just said-" he was cut off by Diana, who hoisted her sword into the air.

"Yes! We need to check up on the child. If his marks are truly that of a warrior's, they need to be celebrated." she said, sheathing the weapon and taking her hand off Superman's shoulder. Clark nodded, a smile on his face. "Yea, and while 'celebrated' is one way to go, we should check and see if they are causing him any problems," he said determinedly.

"Guys, this isn't-" Bruce was cut off this time by Cyborg, who's eyes widened in surprise.

"Billy's in trouble," he said simply, relaying the video that had probably been feeding through his sensors onto the League monitor. A feed of Billy walking with his hands in his pockets towards an alley gained the group's attention.

~ ~ ~

Billy walked down the sidewalk, a cool breeze blowing through his hair as he kept his gaze down on his shoes. He turned into an alley and looked up to find a teenager, a grimy, pot-head by the looks of it, standing with two other guys against a wall. The trio looked at him and smirked, dropping their cigarettes from their mouths.

"Well if it isn't the lightning boy." the leader said, his yellow teeth grinning at the boy. Billy tensed, eyes widening as he took a step back. "Harris, I- I don't mean any trouble..." he got out before he was picked up by the collar of his old shirt.

"You got a lot of nerve showin' your face 'round here, lightning boy." the teen spat, jerking his shirt so that it began to tear. Billy's nerves were already on edge, and when the bully did this, he began to thrash. "No- no, please Harris! Not again, PLEASE!" Billy struggled, his small hands wrapped around the bully's fist. he hated having to resort to pleading, but it was the only thing he had left.

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