Snow Day

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 It's the first snowfall of Winter in Fawcett City, and the whole town is out and about in celebration. Children run through the parks, building snowmen and jumping in snow piles, while Adults enjoy the cool air and breaks from work. Even crime seems to have taken a day off to enjoy the weather...... so where does that leave young Billy Batson?

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* Enjoy! *

Fawcett City- a town known for its sunshine, pleasant weather, and friendly people is not immune to Winter's icy breath. The first snowfall of the season is always a day to celebrate, with children's voices in the air as they play in the powdery substance, while adults spend their day enjoying each other's company.

A young boy by the name of Billy Batson walked down a sidewalk of the frozen town. He let out a breath, releasing a curling, spiraling burst of warmth. The boy pulled his thing coat closer to his body, rubbing his hands together as he walked. He had been saving money from delivering newspapers for a while now, and was finally going to purchase a pair of gloves and a hat from the corner store.

Billy turned the corner, breathing into his cupped hands as he walked into the store. "Hello, Mr. Batson! You enjoying the weather?" the woman at the counter asked, her tone as chipper as usual. Billy gave a small shrug and a nod, looking around for the basket of discount winter-wear. "You lookin' for the scarves and stuff?" she asked, leaving over the counter.

The boy looked up at her, his smile shrinking a bit. "Yea- what happened to them?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

The lady gave him a pitiful look, tilting her head. "There was a whole hoard of people who came in and grabbed 'em all. Sorry kiddo," she said, bending behind the counter. Billy's shoulder's slumped, inwardly cursing himself for not hurrying over.

"But..." she started again, straightening out. "I did snag you a pair of gloves before we ran out." Billy looked up at the woman, who was holding out a pair of bright red gloves to him. He smiled, wide and toothy, before accepting the winter wear. "Holy Moley- Thank you, miss!" he said happily, setting his money- three crumpled bills and a couple of coins -on the counter. She chuckled and accepted the payment, as Billy pulled off the tags.

He slipped the gloves on his hands and grinned at the relief they gave him. He waved good-bye to the woman, pushing open the door to the corner store and stepping outside into cool air. The boy shivered slightly at the sudden wall of chill that hit him but grinned brightly.

Billy continued on down his previous path, with more spring in his step than before. He passed a crudely made snowman sitting outside an apartment building, wiping his nose on his sleeve as he glanced at it. The raven-haired boy then turned the corner, making his way towards the city park.

Fawcett City Public Park was pretty big, considering how small the town often felt. It was the only one in the city, so most of its residents came here if they wanted to enjoy nature.

On a day like this, however, people weren't enjoying nature as much as they were the fresh piles of snow and glistening ice that covered just about every inch of the park. Billy walked through the main entrance- a large brick arch that held aloft iron bars and a plaque that read "Fawcett City Park".

The boy scanned the area before him, looking at the children playing in mounds of snow, couples holding hands as they walked down frozen sidewalks, and families buying hot drinks from a vendor near a leaf-less tree.

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