Child's Play | Part 3

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"Sivana, you're a dead man," Captain Marvel growled before disappearing into the portal.

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"He..." Bruce started, eyes instantly narrowed in thought when Captain Marvel vanished. "He's Captain Marvel. It makes sense...too much sense," he said, eyes widening for a moment before his head whipped to Cyborg, who was still staring at the ripple in the air nervously.

 Bruce was suddenly on top of him, tackling him to the ground and pinning him there. "You knew," he growled, staring the boy down.

"Yes! Of course, I did!" Cyborg bit back. "Back off, man!" he said, Clark pulling him off the slightly shorter male. Victor sat up, glaring at Bruce. "Yes, I knew," he said, standing up. 

He glanced around the room before letting out a breath. "Now that you know, you can't tell anyone. Ever. He's the Guardian of Magic, but he's also a human being. Telling anyone would ruin him." he said before his eyes stopped on Bruce.

"You especially. Everyone knows you fund the League, so don't even think about telling them. If Batman or Superman or any of them catch wind of this..." he trailed off, looking away. 

"Well, you saw how you acted when he first took charge." Cyborg shook his head angrily. 

"They'd never respect him again. He's been a hero for 2 years, but that wouldn't matter to any of them." he continued, looking around at the group.

"All they'd see is the kid underneath," he said, hand curling into a fist. "So don't you dare tell the League. Cause I'll know if they figure it out magically," he said, eyes narrowing on the raven-haired billionaire. 

"And Mister Wayne, I will NOT be as understanding as I am now. Billy's a great kid and an even better hero. If anything jeopardizes his ability to do good-" Victor looked back at the rift before shaking his head.

"Come on. Let's get out of here," he said quietly, taking the lead and walking out of the room.

He managed to lead the group out of the building without incident, the kids making their way out and into the bright sunlight. Cyborg nearly shut his eyes against the brightness, bringing a hand up to shield his view as he looked around. 

"Well, it looks like we are nowhere near Fawcett," he said, furrowing his brow. "Without my tech, I really have no idea where we could be," Victor said, glancing around at the group.

"Diana, I don't assume you have your comm on you, do you? I don't have one, so..." he trailed off when the princess shook her head. 

"Alright...well, Billy should be done soon- at least I think he should be, he wouldn't tell us to get out without having figured a way to get everyone home."

There was a sudden crash, and the boy looked towards the building to find something explode out the top and send something flying up through the hole it made. 

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