Book 1, Chapter 3, Part A

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"How was school?" Her mother, Grace, asked, kissing her forehead.

"Fantastic," Gwen said, flatly, putting her backpack down.

The only part that was great, shockingly, was gym and that was because of tennis. They had a threesome, Heidi, Fiancée and herself.

Gwen and Heidi loved tennis, so they were good at it but Fiancée was struggling for dear life.

"Mom, can I borrow all the stereos?"

"What for?"

"I'm incharge of the music sets for the fall dance."

"Oh, go ahead. As long as you're having fun!" Grace said, delighted.

Gwen nodded, and then headed upstairs to her room. Scouting through her room, she gathered a pile of soundtracks and put them on her bed. Perfect. She had killer taste. All she needed was a DJ who would run through the music tracks.

Then she gathered all of the stereos and put them in the middle of her room.

Just then, she got a phone call. Surprisingly, it was Fiancée. All of the volunteers had shared their contact information with each other.

"Hey Fiancée, what can I do for you?"

"Did you get all the stereos?"


"Good. The stereos are big, right? I mean, small stereos are so last century," Fiancée stated. "Like literally."

Gwen stared at the pile of speakers. I'm pretty sure objects decrease in size with more advancements in technology but Fiancée was totally dumb and clueless in regards to this.

"Yes, yes, they are big," she lied.

Oh gosh. What have I gotten myself into?

Suddenly, Jake came to her doorway with a water gun. "Want to play? The weather's almost turning cold! We won't have time for this anymore."

It was sort of chilly outside, but it would get even more chilly in the following months. Regardless, Gwen was annoyed.

"Jake, I don't have time for this!" Gwen cried. "Fiancée, listen, I gotta go, bye."

After hanging up on the evil girl, Gwen walked out into the hall.

"Put the water gun away this instant, young man!" Gwen yelled.

"OK, first," Jake aimed the water gun at her and then his finger pulled the trigger. SPLURT! Water soaked her all over.

"Mom! Mom!" Gwen started yelling.

Her mom was outside tending to the garden.

"Please don't tell," Jake begged. "I'll get another week of no T.V. I don't know how many more I can stand!"

"I won't tell...for this!" Gwen grabbed the water gun from him and soaked him. His blond hair was in spikes.

"Hey, cut that out!" He gasped at the pressure of the water.

"Not until you say I'm sorry and mean it!"

"OK! OK! I'm sorry!" Jake pleaded.

"Good," Gwen walked to her closet and picked out new, casual clothes and then changed in the bathroom.

She went to see her mom in the garden.


"Yes, darling?"

"Mom, I got a call that the stereos need to be bigger and well, we have small stereos," Gwen said, glumly.

"Oh, Gwen, here, take $40. Buy big stereos." She saw the look of worry cross Gwen's face. "Don't worry, you don't have to carry them. They'll drop them off at the address you want them to."

Gwen Vs The Supernatural (BOOK 1, COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now