Book 2, Chapter 1

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Uncle Alan Navy had returned from his short vacation.

Gwen Antello, unsure of what to do, phoned him and told him about what happened to Nina and Tom.

Alan, along with the help of some mysterious masked men, took both the statue and the mirror back to his place, in order to inspect them and break whatever curse Gwen had shot them with. 

Gwen also tried to see if she still possessed magic however nothing happened!

What a bummer, she thought. 

Maybe the power she shot out of her fingertips was just some fluke or glitch. Or perhaps, she just got lucky because some deity decided to bestow her with supernatural gifts-temporarily.

Gwen sat on her bed, deep in thought.

She decided to phone her uncle and ask for an update on the Nina and Tom situation.

Luckily, he picked up after the first ring.

"Hey uncle Al," Gwen began hesitantly, "Any luck changing Nina and Tom back?"

"No," he muttered. His voice seemed very tired. "Just what exactly did you do?"

"I'm not sure," Gwen responded, in a puzzled tone. "I'm confused. I wish I could reverse it...but I can't."

And I also wish that I could alter their brain chemistry in the process.

Uncle Alan sighed.

"I know, dear." He said, softly. "I'm trying. But sadly, nothing's working. I'll call you back once I have made progress...just don't expect a call so soon. See you!"

"Bye," Gwen said back, and then she hung up. After screaming into her pillow, Gwen decided to start her math homework.

Hmm, what's the square root of 49?

Oh, yes!


That was too easy.

Especially if you have a calculator on hand.

Gwen went through the rest of her math questions.

Her annoying brother, Jake appeared at the doorway.

"What are you doing?" he asked, innocently.

"Homework." Gwen shot. "Go away, dweeb." She began writing "I heart Roy" in her notebook. Then she drew a heart next to the letter y of his name.

"Can I see?" Jake said, eagerly. He had an enthusiastic look on his face and started coming over, to see exactly what Gwen was working on.

"No!" She threw an eraser at his forehead.

"Fine," he grumbled, sulking. Then he walked out of her room. Slower than he had come in.

Gwen's phone rang so she picked it up.

Perhaps it was her uncle telling her that he found a way to break the spell?

"Are you OK?!" Heidi gasped. "I heard about the shooting!"

"I'm alright," Gwen replied.

"I'd love to talk more to you in-person, like over chocolate fondue...but this town just doesn't seem so safe anymore. Everyone's in panic mode and death is more common in the news. Incidents like this scare me..." Heidi mused, the fear evident in her voice.

"Yeah, me too. I'd love to talk more..."

They were both quiet for a moment.

"Anthony....didn't make it," Heidi finally said, breaking the silence.

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