Book 1, Chapter 4, Part A

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Gwen spent the next few weeks planning the party with the rest of the team. Sometimes, Fiancée witch would take over.

It was in the gym and it looked fabulous for the next few weeks. The sweaty go to gym had been transformed into an eerie mist palace. It was designed like a royal fire colored kingdom, with fire themed wallpaper all over the walls, fake trees positioned near a castle made out of newspaper and leaves collected by the leaf blower scattered all over the place. Machines to generate mist were also placed all over the floor and there was a booth for the DJ.

Only 2 days to go, she thought.

Gwen decided on a plain white tee over blue jeans and a baseball cap. Her mom, Grace, was reading the newspaper and donned a worried look.

"Mom, what's wrong? Bad news?"

"Oh yes, darling! They found a body with a smashed out brain, buried behind bushes at the farther side of the park,"

Gwen's body froze.

'The zombie?'

"I want you to be safe darling, don't go near the park."

"I won't."

"Good. If more incidents like this occur, I might have to drive you."

"Mom," Gwen said, weakly. "Can you drive me to school?"

She felt her knees give way.

"Certainly dear. Just let me pack Jake's lunch!"

"OK, mum," Gwen said. "Can't let that dweeb starve."

Gwen then went to the car and sat in the back seat. Jake came to the car and sat beside her.

He grinned. "You're taking the car? But your school isn't even that far!"

"Shut up, little brother. It's for a good reason," Gwen said, lightly hitting him.

Grace came into the car. "Jake, we're dropping your sister off first."

"Can we pick up Heidi?"

"Did you ask her?"

", but it can be a surprise!"

"What if her new best friends are picking her up?" Jake asked, too innocent.

This time Gwen smacked him hard.

"OWW!" he yelped.

"No fighting," Grace said sternly.

"Hey, you never told me more about Miss. Henneman? How was she?" Gwen wondered.

"Terrible," Jake spat. "A witch. I bet she has evil magical powers. She made me write 'I'm sorry' a billion times on the chalkboard!"

"I bet the reason you were made to do that punishment was because you got in trouble," Gwen said.

"Did not,"

"Did so,"

"Did not,"

"Did x 100,"

"Did not x---"

"Enough!" Grace said, sharply. "Stop behaving like a pack of wolves!"

After her insult, the whole ride remained silent. No one wanted to get in any more trouble with Grace. Especially Jake, who had suffered too many punishments to give a number to.

Finally, Grace arrived at the school and dropped off Gwen.

"Have a great day, dear," Grace said and drove off.

Heidi came running up to her.

"The dance is in two days! Can you believe I'm going with Anthony!" She was extremely excited.

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