Book 1, Chapter 7, Part A

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"Billy Horns?" Gwen asked, astonished. "I mean, the ghost of Billy Horns?!"

Billy nodded.

Billy-ghost. Billy-dead. Gwen's head spun. This was giving her a headache! But also frightening her!

"Billy, how did you die?" She asked, horrified. "Did wolves kill you?"

"Hardly," Billy sneered, walking around her, like a predator stalks their prey. "If that were the case, I'd be a werewolf."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like Will and the other resistors." He continued, his eyes never leaving hers.

"What? Will-who? And the whats?"

"I fell off a cliff," he breathed heavily. He didn't elaborate further on his death.

Gwen sensed a feeling rising in her. Fear. Her body was telling her to run.

"So, how was the kiss?" He asked. "How's Roy?"

"You've been spying on me?" She asked, shocked.

Billy was more confident ever since becoming a ghost! Gwen was sure this was NOT a good thing!

"I've been thinking long and hard. I decided that I want us to be together. I want you to be my mistress."

"But the only way that can be..." Gwen stopped short. If I was dead.

"Surely you wouldn't kill me?" She gasped.

"I'm sorry, love. I'd probably strangle you and cut your throat with glass," he said, shaking his head sadly. "I wish there was another way but to become a ghost is to face death."

"No, no, NO!" Gwen screamed.

"Yes," Billy said. "Come on Gwen, join me! Join me, my dove."

You monster! She wanted to scream. But the words were stuck in her throat. Eventually, she found her voice.

"The police will come," she warned. "Billy, I swear when they see you, they will start killing supernaturals!"

Billy snorted. "I fail to see how that is my problem. I'm a ghost. They'll never catch me."

"Listen Billy," she wanted to say Billhead, but decided not to get him angry. "If I do become a ghost, my first victim is you."

"Gwen Antello, you can't kill ghosts," he seethed. "Especially me. Once I kill you, you owe me more than you know."

"No offense," Gwen said, clearly disturbed, "But I prefer to die of old age."

"I don't want to kiss an 80 year old Antello woman," he complained. "If that were the case, I'd ask your grandmother to die."

"Billy, you died at 12. I'm 14...that's just plain gross! I'm like half a head taller than you!" Gwen complained. "I don't know about you, but a grade 6er and a grade 9er making out...ewww!"

Billy floated closer to her. Gwen stepped back.

"Gwen, I couldn't be your first kiss." He spoke. "But I can be your second. And last."

Billy pressed his cool lips to hers.

"Billy, back off!" she shouted, kicking the air.

Suddenly, a cold drift went through her. Gwen shuddered.

"Damn," he growled. "I can't kiss you. You're not a ghost."

Billy lazily hovered above the ground. Then he floated to a pile of wires and disappeared.

Suddenly, the speakers blared to life.

"Anybody who doesn't want to die of gunshots, GET OUT!" shouted the fierce voice of Billy. "Except Gwen Antello. We have unfinished business!"

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