The Black Lake.

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You stood in the great hall with your mouth wide open. You didn't know how to feel and so many things were going through your head. -how could I forget Callies birthday?- -why didn't I think of the fucking map?- -what happens if people find out?- -what if they already know?- you felt a tear stream down your cheek and ran out of the castle to the Black Lake.

You tried distracting yourself from your racing thoughts by feeling everything around you. The chilly breeze flowing through your hair and over your face. The hark bark of the tree you were sitting against on your back and the cold ground under you. Things seemed to slow down for the first time all morning. You didn't bother getting up to go to your first two classes Herbology and Transfiguration. You just sat and watch the lake ripple over and over again.

After about ten minutes of sitting there you thought you heard voices but that couldn't be it was the middle of first hour nobody should be down at the lake. Granted you were skipping class as well but that didn't matter. When you turned you saw Callie with Harry, and Ron.They were heading what looked like straight towards you. You stood up quickly and quietly and moved around the huge tree as they were on the other side.

"Don't bother running Y/N we know you are there." Said Callie

You came out from behind the tree,
"What are you doing down here?" You asked

"We could ask you the same question but we won't cause we are pretty sure we already know the answer"  said Ron

"What do you mean?" You say quietly

"You came down here after we exposed your little secret it's obvious you wanted to run from it like you do everything else" said Callie

"I don't know what you mean Callie."

"Oh don't be an idiot you and Snape and your happy little relationship"

"We aren't in a relationship!" You snap back

"Oh really then why were you in his room all night? Huh? Why did you only leave this morning?" She asks

"I was having an extra potion lesson and I think I fell asleep that's all I don't remember but I woke up on my desk."

"Bullshit Y/N you left to go shower after you came crying to me and you never came back. I know you didn't have a lesson because you wouldn't have ground sweats to the shower if you were going to a lesson you would have brought your robes and you didn't they were left on your bed. You went to go sleep with that's greasy old git so don't lie to me"


"Shouldn't you all be in class? Or are you all out here looking for a detention?" You hear Severus from behind you

All four of you look at him and say nothing.

"Does someone want to tell me what is going on here?" He asks

"Go ahead y/n tell your boyfriend why we are all here" Callie says

"Excuse me?" Snape says "what...did you just call me?"

"You and y/n have been sleeping together we all know it!" Callie shouts at Snape

"I don't know where you got that crazy idea but that is disgusting. Me being in relations with a student where on earth did you get the absurd idea? Please enlighten me. Or would you rather tell me when I see all four of you in detention for the next month?"

"We know she was in your room all last night and she only left this morning, how do you explain that."

Snape looks at you and you suddenly were having what felt like a flashback to moments ago when you told them what happened. And just as soon as it started it was over. You knew he had just entered your mind.

"Y/n was having a potion lesson with me. You two are in the same hour and I'm sure you have seen     y/n's potion skills are absolutely dreadful. So i had her come down. She had been making living death and because she doesn't know how to measure ingredients properly she added too many unicorn hairs which caused the potion fumes to act up and when she inhaled them she passed out. I didn't have the right ingredients for the antidote so I left her there. I knew she would wake up eventually and she made the mistake so she had to learn. Now I suggest you all head up to the castle before I make it two months detention."

Harry, Ron, and Callie all had their jaws dropped staring at you and snape.

You all walked up to the castle and since you had a free period you went up to your dorm. And sat there thinking about the mess that he just occurred. The door opens and Callie walks in and you two just stare at each other.

"Y/n I- I don't know.. I'm sorry.." she says staring at you

"Ok. But I don't think I can forgive you yet." You say looking at the sheets

"I was just mad you left me last night and we always hangout the night before our birthdays and I wish you would have told me so I didn't get mad..Harry saw me sitting there upset and wanted to know if I wanted to see something so he showed me the map and that's when you and snape and I don't know I was just mad and I'm so sorry I said that." She rambled on

"Okay..look you can stay here I'm going to go to the library just don't follow me please just leave me alone for a while." You say

Her voice cracks. "Ok" And you see tears in her eyes

You grab your bag and head to the library hoping to get some peace and quiet of a while.

Don't go. Severus Snape x reader Where stories live. Discover now