Chapter le uno

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Chapter 1

Percy POV

It was literally 3:00 A.M when someone knocked on my door. 3:00 A.M! Who was knocking on my door at 3:00 A.M?! I stumbled out of bed and opened the door. There stood: a tired and disoriented Nico, also in pajamas.

"What the Hades Nico?"

"Chiron wants us," He said, yawning. "The girls are at the big house. Annabeth and Piper I mean"

"What could be so important for 3:00 A.M?"

"Why are you asking me? I don't know! But he looks worried"

I was confused. "K, who else do we need?"

"I've already woken up Leo, and I need to wake up Will" Nico said.

"Don't you mean ur boyfriend~" I teased.

"Fgsdghg- Shh, someone could hear you!" Nico said, red in the face.

"Solange- wait, you didn't deny that.....whaaaa-"

And with that, Nico hurriedly walked off toward The big house.

*Timeskip brought to you by flustered Nico*

Chiron stood in front of us. Me, Will, Leo, Nico, Annabeth, and Piper all stood in our PJs waiting for an explanation. "I'm sending you on a Quest-"


"Not another Quest!"

"Nu uh. No. Way"

"Please, Let me finish"

We all shut up.

"This is not a normal Quest. There is a world that is very different from ours. In this world, there are people who are called Wizards that train to use magic. But they do not have mist to protect them"

"Ακουγεται περιεργο" Leo said. Piper hit him in the back of his head.

"There are also people who don't have magic, and those are called Muggles"

Piper raised her hand like we were in school and were listening to a lecture.

"And we need to know this because...."

"You're going to go on your Quest there. The worst Wizard, Voldemort, has risen again and is going after a 15 year old boy named Harry Potter, who has defeated Voldemort multiple times. It is your job to protect him."

"So we're being bodyguards for a boy we don't know anything about, from a person we don't know anything about, in a world we don't know anything about" Will said.

"Essentially, yes"

"Wait," I butted in. "If he's already defeated Moldy-Vort before, he doesn't need protection right?" There was a lot of 'Right!'s and 'Yeah!'s from the rest of the demigods.

"A. It's Voldemort Percy"

"And what's B?" I said, Ignoring his correction.

"B. The Gods have blessed this Quest. This was an idea of Zeus" oh no, Gods blessing a Quest? No turning back now..... No choice either. Dangit.

(I don't know if that's a thing.....please just go with it!)

"Γιατί εμείς από όλους τους ημίθεους;" Nico grumbled "Θέλω απλώς να κοιμηθώ"

Me, Leo and Will snickered. Piper rolled her eyes and muttered something to Annabeth, causing her to cover her laughter. Chiron ignored us.

"You leave at 4:00 A.M"

"4:00 AM?!"

"We have slightly less than 30 minutes!" Annabeth exclaimed. We all looked at each other. We ran towards the door.


Nico Translation: Why us of all Demigods? I just want to sleep

Leo Translation: sounds weird.


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