23. Can't Help Falling in Love

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I gasp and open my eyes.

"Jesus! You move a lot when you sleep" Niall chuckles.

He is sitting on the bed with the remote on his hands. The TV is on with some golf competition playing. I look through the balcony door: the two armchairs and the coffee table are there, and so is the glass railing. Outside, the sky is dark and the moon illuminates the city.

"It was a nightmare" I mumble.

Niall's smile disappears when he looks at me. He immediately turns the TV off.

"Vic, you okay?"

"It was a nightmare" I repeat, louder this time.

I must look terrible because Niall helps me sit up and keeps his hand on my back. I tell him about the nightmare, stuttering from time to time.

"You went through a sick time before"

"It all looked so vivid... The screams, the feelings..."

I keep breathing heavily and Niall hushes me. I feel so stupid right now.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry"

"No!" Niall jumps, holding my face in his hands; "Don't be sorry. You got mobbed and hit by fans and that is the worst situation you could have gone through. But from now on I'm not letting anyone hurt you, okay?"

I look up at him and when I do, he presses his lips against mine.

It is all so sudden, so unexpected, so... determined.

I can't help a face.

"Sorry!" Niall says realising that he has hurt my swollen lip with his abruptness.

"It's okay" I answer smiling.

I look up at him and he returns the smile, looking at me and pulling me back into another kiss.

This time I close my eyes and enjoy the touch of his lips. Still firm, but sweet. The kiss lasts a couple of seconds; then Niall puts his forehead against mine, his hands still holding my face.

"I'm gonna keep ya safe" he whispers, his accent suddenly thicker.

He puts his arms around me and I bury my face on his neck, smelling the scent of his body.

"What time is it?" I ask short after.

"Quarter to two, I guess. You'd only been sleeping for about an hour"

I sigh.

"You should probably sleep" he says, running his fingers through my hair.

"We should probably sleep" I correct.

Niall smiles, turns the light off and lies beside me.

"Good night, Victoria" he whispers, caressing my cheek.

"Night-night, Niall" I answer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My eyelids flutter open, blinded by the sunlight. I turn around and look for Niall, but he is not there. Instead, there's a hand-written note:

"You looked so peaceful I thought I should let you sleep.
We'll be doing the soundcheck.
Call Sam when you are ready so he can come and pick you up.
See you later alligator haha xx

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