29. Truly, Madly, Deeply

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Niall takes my hand without saying another word and starts walking through corridors and doors. He opens a double door and I gasp. I know where we are. We're just behind the stage.

There's only a few people around, which is pretty weird because every time a show ends, hundreds of people rush to the stage area. But I guess because we're staying two nights and they don't have to disassemble the stage and the rest of things, they've finished while the boys were with the fans.

"What is going on?" I ask Niall.

"You're going to hate me for this" he answers chuckling and taking a bandana out of his back pocket; "put this around your eyes"


"Put it on, covering your eyes"


"See? You are a moaner" he laughs, "why?" he mocks me.

I sigh taking the bandana and tying it around my head.

"Okay, now what?"

I suddenly feel his lips on mine, and I can't help but jump.

"You could have done that without making me cover my eyes" I say sarcastically.

He laughs.

"You've been spending too much time with Tommo, sassy miss"

"We just came back from a break! I hadn't seen him in days!" I defend myself.

"C'mon, hop on" he chuckles turning his back on me; "I'm gonna give you a piggyback ride"

"I don't know what you're trying to do, Horan, but this can end up pretty badly"

"Don't you trust me?" he asks.

"You shouldn't ask that. That is emotional blackmail" I chuckle, putting my arms around his neck.

He starts walking and I can tell he is going up some stairs; but where? And why?

"Mind your head" Niall says when he keeps walking.

"You mind my head!" I answer laughing, "You are the one who is carrying me!"

He laughs and puts me down, taking my hand and guiding me.

"What was the piggyback ride for?"

"You couldn't go up the stairs blindfolded"

"So you had to carry me up. You're such a macho man" I answer rolling my eyes.

"You bet I am" he laughs.

"Can you tell me what this is all about, Neil?" I ask pronouncing his name wrong on purpose.

"Don't ruin the moment, Vic"

"Which moment? Being blindfolded with you laughing at me?"

He laughs again, not being able to hold it.

"No" he tries to deny, chuckling; "this moment"

Niall takes the bandana off. I blink a couple of times before getting used to the light. Although there's no much light to get used to, since all the lightnings are off. I can tell the stage is right behind my back, but Niall won't let me turn yet. He takes my hand and looks me in the eyes.

"I needed to show you this. Because it's a big part of me. And I want you to understand how I feel, okay?"

I nod, not really knowing what to expect.

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