20. Tequila Sunrise

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Niall groans and finally gets up, sitting on one of the sofas.

"Let's play something" Louis proposes as he fills the six shot glasses that are on the table.

"Where did you get those?" Liam asks looking at him.

"That's a professional secret" Louis answers grinning, "Shall we play 'Never Have I Ever'?"

"Seriously, Tommo?"

"Should be fun" Niall accepts shrugging his shoulders; "who starts?"

"Let's spin the bottle!"

The bottle spins on the table and points at me.

"Okay. Never have I ever... worn boxers"

Their jaws drop and they stare at each other.

"Oh, ho, ho" Liam laughs, "You don't want to play that game, Vic"

"Why not?" I ask with a cheeky smile.

"Because you can make all five of us drink on your turn; but us five can make you drink on each of our turns"

I realize he is right.

"I take it back!" I correct myself, and they all burst out laughing.

"Too late!" they answer as they knock the alcohol back.

"My turn!" Louis says refilling the glasses, "Never have I ever slept in the same bed as Niall at his dad's house"

I give him a look. At the edge of my vision, I see someone moving. I turn around to see Harry finishing his second shot. I can't help a face.

"Mullingar, 2010" he grins; "Don't even try to make a Narry comment. You haven't drunk" he says pointing at my glass.

I drink up, feeling the alcohol burning my throat as it goes down.

Zayn and Niall laugh at my face.

"Not funny" I say with a raspy voice, which only causes them to laugh more

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"Not funny" I say with a raspy voice, which only causes them to laugh more.

"Harold" Louis says looking to his left, where Harry is sat.

"Never have I ever... worn a bikini"

"Seriously?" I say taking the glass.

He smiles at me and they all cheer as the liquid from the glass disappears one more time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Someone caresses my arm and I quickly hide it under the covers.

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