37. Moments

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The first chords to Alive start playing and I get goosebumps as the door that leads to the stage lifts.

"My mother told me I should go and get some therapy. I asked the doctor, 'Can you find out what is wrong with me?'" Liam starts singing as we enter the stage.

I remain silent looking around. The lightnings are on, sometimes blue, sometimes red, mixing all kind of different colors following the music. So are the screens around the stage, yet I can't actually see what they're displaying. The speakers are also on, and Liam's voice echoes through the empty stadium. Everyone is acting as if it were a real concert, and I feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, which helps me overcome the shyness. I bring the mic closer to my mouth and join them on the chorus.

"She said, 'Hey, it's alright. Does it make you feel alive? Don't look back, live your life, even if it's only for tonight' She said 'hey, it's alright if it makes you feel alive'"

"Went to a party just after the doctor talked to me. I met a girl, I took her right up to the balcony. I whispered something in her ear that I just can't repeat. She said..."

"Okay, but I am worried what my friends will think" I join Niall smiling at him.

"That was so, so naughty" Liam says to the microphone, making us all laugh.

When it's Louis turn to sing, he takes my hand and walks me to the catwalk.

"We got to live before we get older, do what we like we got nothing to lose..."

I turn around and see the boys following us, jumping, dancing and waving to where the crowd should be.

Once we're at the platform, Zayn approaches me and takes me by the waist.

"Hold on" he warns me.

I know what it's going to happen. The platform is very similar to the one they had during the 'Where We Are Tour' and the idea was so good they decided to use it again on this tour.

We sing the chorus one last time as the platform starts lifting up.

Perfectly timed, when we're at the top of it, the song ends. Niall leaves the guitar on the guitar stand on the side of the platform while Zayn sings the first verses to "Kiss You".

 Niall leaves the guitar on the guitar stand on the side of the platform while Zayn sings the first verses to "Kiss You"

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We sing most of the song while the platform is lifted, acting silly and annoying one another. Once the platform is down again we walk up the catwalk where six mic stands await on the stage.

"Baby say 'yeah, yeah, yeah'"

"Yeah, yeah"

"And let me kiss you" I finish.

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