28. Steal My Girl

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Niall is standing there, the rest of the boys behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here? Your soundcheck isn't over"

"We called out a break" Harry interrupts.

"Sam, have you checked twitter?" Louis asks entering the room.

"What for?"

"Did you know 'Stop the hate' has become trending topic worldwide?" Liam asks taking out his phone and showing him.

"Fans from all over the world are defending Victoria"

"What?" Sam and I ask at the same time.

"'By posting that twit-long she has shown us how amazing she is.

'Tbh as mad as I was when I first read this, I'd also have taken the chance to fake-date Niall and meet 1D without blinking'

'I was cringing through the whole thing lol but she has shown a lot of courage by standing for herself like this'

'I can't say I like her because of who she is, but I admit that was she has done is incredible. I hope her and Niall are happy together

'I'm not a One Direction fan but I hope Niall knows he has the hell of a girl'" Liam says reading his phone; "And the most liked tweet at the moment: Finally someone who isn't afraid to speak the truth and expose this kind of sh*t. Thank you for being honest with the fandom, Vic"

I smile involuntary. It worked, I made a difference. Maybe not a huge one, but a difference after all.

Sam looks at the boys.

"You stopped your soundcheck to defend her?" he asks shaking his head.

They nod, smiling at me.

"I don't want anything like this to happen ever again, you hear me? I don't care how many fans love you now; or how many bloody teenagers ship 'Nictoria' but if something like this occurs again..."

"It won't" I cut him, "This one was the first one, the last one and the only one" I assure.

"I hope so" Sam answers, then he turns to the boys; "I want the five of you back to the soundcheck; the fans from the Ellen show should arrive soon. They're coming backstage before and after the concert. Because of schedule the usual M&G will be after."

The boys leave and almost half an hour later, Mia arrives.

"Hi, Victoria!" she comes to me smiling and giving me a hug; "This is my best friend, Bianca, and this is my twin brother, Thomas"

The boy smiles at me. He is tall, with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Nothing to do with Mia, who has brown hair and green eyes. They don't look like twins at all.

"He is actually here for 5 Seconds of Summer" Mia explains.

"Oh!" I suddenly exclaim; "Speaking of them, I'll have to go in a couple of minutes and help Lou and Lottie comb their hair. The boys should be here any second now"

We sit on the sofas, and chat.

"It's amazing what you've done" Mia says, "you know, the twit-longer thing. Can you talk about it?"

"Not really" I answer with a polite smile.

"At first I didn't believe it. I was thinking: 'maybe she had been hacked or something?' I couldn't believe management would actually do all that"

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