11. Handsome

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It's been around two days since the argument between Dante and Maira but neither have brought it up, just awkwardly avoided each other as if it never happened. Adaline watches from the kitchen as they both attempt to clear off the kitchen table without speaking to each other. Their relationship is based on communication and Adaline can't help but feel sorry for them. She would help but her starting soon screen for her stream is counting down and today is the day of MCC.

As she makes her way back into her room, the nerves really hit her. There's something so scary about it, she wants to win but what if she doesn't? She's never been in a minecraft tournament to her, is she overthinking it? Adaline takes a deep breath as she slides on her headphones and then pulls her microphone closer to her.

      "Hey chat!" Adaline switches screens and holds up a hand heart to the camera. She forces a smile despite the feeling in her stomach, she puts on the personality she has to. "I'm really nervous guys, I don't do well in competition, or, under pressure is the better way to put it."

She switches to discord and sees the teammates she's been practicing with for what has felt like ages already in a vc. Clay, Will, and Techno. A mismatched team of people who, not too long ago, didn't even know Adaline existed.

Clicking on the call, Adaline takes a deep breath. "Hey!" She greets, and she wonders if any of them are feeling this nervousness as well. Maybe it's just her? There's no way none of them are nervous.

The tournament begins so Adaline sucks up the anxiety and swallows it. The tournament isn't as bad as she overreacted it to be. Worrying, sure, but not bad. She definitely could do a lot better, but she isn't getting out first. She spends most of the tournament already out within the first couple of minutes of the games and cheering her teammates on. Techno does great, of course he does, and Wilbur as well. Clay does too but there's something off, Adaline can't help but think. He's so quiet, more so than normal. Concentration, maybe? She figures that's what's going on here.

The last game of the tournament rolls around, Adaline has made it a point to not check what place they're in, her teammates also swore not to say either. If she checked, it would just psych her out and any good she's doing would disappear in an instant. It's hard not to check, especially during the last game of the tournament. They've been doing so good so far and...It's a pvp game.

Despite hours of practice with both Clay and Technoblade, Adaline still royally sucks at pvp. She can build anything her heart desires in this stupid game, but pvp? Out of the question. It's not her fault she didn't play multiplayer until recently. Well, it is her fault. Either way, there's no way she'll last that long.

She tries her best to listen as technoblade explains some sort of complex plan that everyone seems to get besides her. She doesn't fully understand but she gets the gist of it, kind of. If she were asked to explain it to a first grader she would not be able to. But instead of speaking up and asking for help, Adaline instead chooses to Follow Clay's lead instead. That works...Semi well for awhile. She just barely gets away with killing people without dying, everything else is smooth sailing from there, following behind Clay to make sure he doesn't die, because he and Techno are for sure carrying her and Wilbur.

That is, until Clay and Will both die, leaving only Techno and Adaline alive to carry them out to the end of the game. There's no hope anymore, well maybe if Techno can manage. Adaline sure can't. Three people left, Techno gets one and Adaline gets the other. The last one...Manages to kill Techno. Jokes erupt in the voice channel about how Technoblade supposedly never dies.

Adaline chews her lip, there's no real point in even trying because if he could kill Techno, of course he can kill her. It's the end of the line for her, and as she makes her character run towards the other player, she knows it's a suicide mission. She's barely even looking at what she's doing or listening to the boys telling her what to do from the voice channel. One hits, two hits, three hits and...She's killed them! Adaline throws her arms up in happiness, feeling her smile grow as she hears the support from her teammates and reads the chat freaking out. It's a big deal to her.

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