20. A more human smile

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      Maira is worried about Adaline but she's even more worried about Aimee. Adaline feels the exact same way. Madi doesn't come home for another two days and they aren't going to bother her trip with the news of Adaline's sister showing up. At least it's not unannounced.

When was the last time Adaline even saw her siblings? It was before she graduated, she knows that much. She hasn't talked to either of them since they jumped ship when she was a junior and left her on her own with parents she couldn't handle being around. And after all she did for them...She shakes the thought from her head and reminds not to think of life as a give and take when it's just not.

There is a lot that specifically Aimee owes her, though.

Time, money, a decent childhood, her clean criminal record.

The dread for seeing Gabriel is significantly smaller. He just followed around their older sister, did what she did and listened to every command like a puppy in training too afraid to get hit. It makes Adaline wonder if that's why he chose the girl that he did, given just how controlling she was. She got what she deserved though, so the matter is done and over with, Gabriel hates talking about it and Adaline hates thinking about it.

      "I just think maybe a restraining order wouldn't be that bad," Maira shrugs. Adaline forces a smile and a half laugh.

      "She's not that bad." Lie. "It could be worse, it could be one of my parents. It could be one of your parents. How are they, by the way?"

      "Oh they're good!" Maira says, bubbly as ever when talking about something nice. "But don't change the subject!"

Adaline used to be able to do that, simply change the subject when talking to Maira and get out of whatever she didn't want to talk about. When did it change? A lot of things have changed, Adaline reminds herself. Not just Maira, but herself. Madi and Dante. Clay. Her sister, if she could just give Aimee a chance.

Maira not getting distracted is a good thing. Adaline just doesn't want things to change. She doesn't want her and Maira to change.

      "Fine, fine" Adaline holds her hands up like she's surrendering. "Anyways. It's not that bad. They're only coming for Christmas. It's not like they're moving in or something. At least it's not Ian. I think that would the worst possible person to visit."

      "That's true," Maira shrugs and then sighs. "Has he bothered you again? Ian?"

      "Yeah, a few times in class. Nothing too big."

The truth is that he's been sitting next to her in their shared class every single day, sometimes talking her ear off and other times silent. It's weird how uneventful things have been regarding Ian. Adaline is only slightly suspicious of just how uneventful it is in that department of her life. After all, It's second nature to doubt anything Ian Brant says or does. It might as well be first nature at this point.

First nature is being suspicious of Ian, hating Aimee, and being tired of this conversation. No offense to Maira, of course, but Adaline has been perpetually tired since Thanksgiving. It's been getting easier since Will has been forcing her to get out of bed everyday and Clay is basically holding her at gunpoint to do something, anything, every time he comes over. And he's been coming over everyday.

Todays something was talking to Maira. Clay left her house ten minutes ago, and she's glad he did because she needed to tell at least one person about Aimee and it's definitely not going to be Clay. He has about as much to do with this as she does with his family drama.

      "I think I'm going to go back to my room. Edit and all that." She doesn't wait for a response before leaving, disappearing into her cocoon of a room without another word.

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