01. Dream has followed you

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      A/N: Hello! If you are reading this for the first time, it's Saga from the future. This chapter isn't the best and it very short but the story does get better, longer chapters and more well written so please don't click out based on this chapter alone! <3

Adaline doesn't really, properly, truly, believe in soulmates. Nothing about the way she grew up let her do that. Her parents had a messy diviorce that left her and her siblings going to therapy, her brother's girlfriend was...Not the best to say the very least, and her sister's girlfriend left her never able to really love again. So Adaline doesn't even try to begin with. She ignores all her tags in her twitter feed telling her to go on love or host for the millionth time this week.

The twitch streamer sits back at her chair and types away on her phone, sending out the tweet that she would be starting her stream soon.

Adastrology has gone live.

Her starting soon screen shows up, a nicely drawn piece of fanart with a timer in the middle and the artist credit in large lettering in the corner. As the timer counts down from five Adaline runs to the kitchen to refill her water bottle and grab a granola bar to snack on, she notes that she should probably eat a full meal later on, but that would be a job for her roommates to cook.

As she sits back down at her desk the timer is nearing two minutes so she turns on her mic, putting on the personality she does for all her streams.

      "Hi chat! Good morning! How're you all today?" she chats with the people watching her stream with a smile on her face despite nobody being able to see her yet. "I was thinking we would just hop on the hardcore world today? I wanna finish building the castle by the next stream so we can start on decorating."

The timer soon counts down to zero and Adaline switches from the starting soon screen to minecraft with her face cam in the corner. Adaline smiles brightly at the camera and gets onto the hardcore world that she's been streaming for about three months now.

She's not at all that popular of a streamer, but she averages 300 viewers and that's enough for her to be content with. It's not like this is her job, she works as a waitress at a local restaurant to make ends meet, this is just a side hobby that she just so happens to get a couple bucks from every month. Not that she wouldn't mind more. She's always looking for ways to get more viewers/

      "I really like the way this is turning out chat, what do you think?" her character stands in front of a huge castle that she's been building for the past couple of weeks.

The chat fills up with positive messages and Adaline can't help but smile to herself. She's good, and she knows it.

A donation pops up on stream followed by the robotic text to speech voice.

      "Hi Adaline! Are you going to go on love or host? Great castle btw!"

Adaline laughs and shakes her head, "No chat, I'm not going on love or host. I prefer not to get made fun of by that entire chat, don't think I haven't watched those streams," She laughs again and rolls her eyes.

The stream goes smoothly for the next couple of hours until the very end, when chat starts spamming to check her twitter. Adaline sighs and opens the app up on her phone to find hundreds of mentions under one tweet- a tweet from Jschlatt of all people. Why is she being tagged in a Jschlatt tweet?


Adastrology won't go on love or host because she knows I'll host her obviously

Adaline huffs and reads the replies on stream, reading the funny ones out loud. Why is Jschlatt even tweeting about her in the first place? Were people really talking about her going on the show that much?

"Dream said, quote, 'I don't think you'd even get to the final two at all' and Schlatt replied, 'Like you would either'," Adaline gives her webcam a look before shaking her head. "I'm gonna end it here chat, I'll be at the same time tomorrow though, hopefully! Bye!" Adaline waves to her chat and ends the stream, leaning back in her chair afterwards with an exhausted groan.

She decides to reply to Dream's tweet, saying 'Neither of you would make it that far'

Adaline didn't mind the clout she would get from replying, if Dream replies that guaranteed some of his stans will be coming in her stream, mabe to hate that' still one view in favor of Adastrology.


:( but i'm so cool

@Adastrology replied:

You wish :)

Dream has followed you.

Adaline sits up in her chair. What the fuck? Why is Dream following her now? She genuinely thought that this was going to be a one off interaction and then the two of them would go back to their own sides of the internet. Not to follow each other on twitter.

"Nope," she mumbles to herself, tossing her phone back onto her bed and turning to her computer. She opens her editing software and continues on the video she was editing the night before, her last hardcore stream. She edits her videos to wind down at night as she waits for her three roommates to get back to the apartment.

Her mind wanders back to the idea of going on love or host, and then back to how many people were in support of her going on. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing. After all, she could use the views. And it's not like anyone takes love or host seriously in the aspect of finding love.

She toys with the idea of going on the show just for the sake of getting views. She does need them, after all, the more time that goes on that she stays doing what she's been doing, the less she grows.

Adaline opens up twitter on her pc to do some mindless scrolling and take a break from editing.

Dream has sent you a message.


You didn't follow me back


I did not


Why tho


Because I didn't want to


I watch your content y'know


Glad to hear it

She then proceeds to close the twitter tab on her computer and cross the room to her bed. She's tired after streaming for three hours and now having to make the decision of whether or not to go on a dating show and talk to a bunch of strangers was weighing on her as well.

Adaline always manages to put on this personality for the internet. She's happy and funny and chill, but in reality she's the quiet one. That's one of the many reasons she's too scared to go on the show. What if someone on there does end up wanting to be her friend and she's not the same person? This is the reason she avoids making friends online, she can't be sure that she'll be able to keep that personality up all the time.

GeorgeNotFound has followed you.

She picks up her phone at the buzz and that's the first thing she reads. What is going on today?

That's when she sees that Adastrology is trending on twitter. 

Words: 1200

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