02. Because of Dream

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Rajj tweeted:

Excited to have @Adastrology on the show this sunday at 7pm pst!

@Adastrology replied:

Not as excited as I am to be there! <3

It took a few hours of lying in bed at night weighing the pros and cons before she dmed Rajj offering to be on his next love or host, so long as he didn't have anyone else planned. He happily accepted and they set a date and time for that sunday at 7pm, he promised her that he would find the best contestants he could and she called it a night.

Adaline wakes up the next morning to the sound of music coming from the kitchen. She assumes it must be Maira making breakfast for the apartment but she can't be bothered to get out of bed until the girl bursts through the door and forces her too, which won't be until she's completely done with the food.

The girl rolls over and grabs her phone, immediately opening twitter to find more mentions, but more importantly another dm from Dream himself.


Why'd you decided to go on love or host?


Seemed fun


You're a really dry texter


Maybe it will get you to leave me alone :)

She can't deny that she enjoys the popularity that this is giving her but she's not here to make friends.

There's a knock on her door and then a moment later, a tall girl with dark skin and darker hair is standing in her doorway.

       "Foods ready, Madi and Dante are already out there, I have an announcement so get out here," Maira gives Adaline a quick smile before heading out of the room and not closing the door behind her. Adaline groans and gets up to head to the kitchen.

Sure enough, all three of her roommates are there and eating at the kitchen counter instead of at the table. Maira's parents gave it to her before she moved out but none of the people in the apartment ever really use it, it's mostly just laundry on top of it.

       "So," Maira claps her hands together. She's definitely the most energetic and the only morning person. "My parents are coming to visit-"

This earns a groan from Adaline, Madi, and Dante.

       "Your parents are the worst though!" Madi says from the corner that she's standing in.

       "They're not that bad-" Dante reasons.

Adaline shoots him a look as she puts some pancakes on her plate. "They tried to kick you out last time they visited." She then turns to Maira. "When are they coming? I, for one, will be getting out of the house."

       "We don't want a repeat of the streaming incident," Maira laughs. The streaming incident was when Maira's mother almost walked into Adaline's room without a hijab while she was streaming. Maira's mother still hasn't forgiven her. "I think they're coming Sunday night."

Adaline groans. "I have a streaming thing Sunday night."

       "Can you cancel it?" Madi asks. She hates the tension whenever Adaline or Dante are in the same general vicinity of Maira's parents.

Madi is the only one they even slightly like, and even then they constantly bring up her weight and are just entirely too invasive.

Overall, nobody likes Maira's parents.

       "I can't cancel," Adaline takes a bite out of a pancake.

       "Why not?" Madi whines, "You cancel streams all the time!"

       "It's not my own stream," Adaline says, this earns raised eyebrows from everyone. "It's a love or host, I told Rajj I'd go on this Sunday and he's already got all the people so it's too late to cancel."

       "Ooo, is Addy finally finding love?" Dante pokes her in the stomach, Adaline slaps their hand away.

       "No, I'm gonna pick the person that most obviously chose host and get out of there. All for the views, baby," Adaline gives Dante a smug look and then glances at the clock. "I'm gonna go start my stream, later gators," Adaline sets her plate in the sink to deal with later and disappears back into her bedroom.

Her room is a warm, dark safe place for her. Like a cave. Instead of blinds or a normal curtain, Adaline has a dark blue bed sheet over the window in front of her desk. Her bed is unmade and messy, there's clothes all over the floor, food wrappers litter her second desk (the one she uses when writing, doing schoolwork, literally anything but streaming) and the only light in her room is coming from a tiny lamp on that desk. She turns it off and then gets set up at her pc, turning on the ring light at her setup. She tweets out that she's going live. The starting soon screen starts up and the chat floods in.

After a few minutes, Adaline unmutes herself. "Morning chat! How are we today?"

She reads some responses of fans saying hello and that they're doing okay before they all start saying one thing.

       "Dream's in chat?" Adaline watches the timer finish and she switches the screen to her hardcore world.

Dream has donated $10

How much would it take for you to join the smp?

Adaline rolls her eyes at her camera.

      "I would never," she scoffs. This is met with chat spamming in utter outrage.

Dream has donated $10

What if I gave you more money

      "Not a chance," Adaline laughs. "You could say I'm a lone ranger. Thanks for the donos though! I really appreciate it!"

Adaline makes a heart with her hands and holds it up to the camera.

Dream continues to write in chat for the rest of the stream but Adaline ignores it for the most part. She notices that her viewer count is way higher than normal, she normally only held 1,000-2,000 viewers but this time she has 6,500 viewers.

She knows it's because of Dream.

Words: 971

A/N: Very short little filler chat, big plot next chapter though!!

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