Ch.2 Protective Brother

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Once Reki, Koyomi, and Cherry finally got to their rooms, which the Queen made sure they were decent sized and right next to each other, they started to unpack their belongings.
Reki only unpacked what he thought he needed to. This caused him to finish first, so he decided to go to his teacher's room to annoy him for the time being. Reki knocked on the door first and waited for Cherry to open the door.

When the door opened, Reki walked in and flopped on the bed. Cherry sort of expected the kids to go to his room when they were done packing, and although he also expected Reki to finish first, he didn't think it would be this fast.

"Are you already finished unpacking?" Cherry asked the boy that had his limbs sprawled across the bed.

"Yeah. Well, what I need unpacked for now," Reki said.

"What do you mean by, 'what you need?'"

"I mean, that I only unpacked the necessary things, like clothes, toiletries, other things."
Cherry nodded, accepting this answer, then asked, "So what do you plan on doing until dinner?"

"I don't know. I'll probably just annoy you and Koyomi."

"At least you're honest," Cherry mumbled. "Anyway, what do you think about the Queen and the prince?"

Reki thought for a second then answered, "The queen's alright. She seems pretty nice. But the prince?" When Reki got to his opinions on the prince, Cherry started to regret his decision. "I don't like him. The way he kissed Koyomi's hand was weird."

"He was trying to be a gentleman and princely, Reki," Cherry inputted.

"I don't care what he was doing, Koyomi's fourteen! And what is he? eighteen? Older?"

"He is the same age as you, so seventeen."

"That's still at least a three year difference! Which is too many! And also how can he be more ready to be king when he was late to welcoming his guests? Even I'm mostly on time for that! And if I am late it's because I had classes during that time! Not because of something as stupid as getting lost in my own castel."

"You heard the queen, they had remodeled things recently. We got lost as well, so you can't entirely blame that on him."

"Whatever. I still don't like him," Reki said, an irritated expression on his face.

The males suddenly heard a knock on the door, causing Reki to sit up and Cherry to go to the door to open it. Almost immediately after, Koyomi came walking into the room.

"Whatcha talkin' about?" Koyomi asked.

"Prince Langa," Cherry answered.

"Oh, Mr. Formal," she said.

Cherry lightly sighed, "I get that neither of you like the prince that much, or situation you're in, but I'm sure you both understand why it's being done."

"Are you sure we both don't like the prince?" Koyomi asked, sending a smirk towards her brother, who instantly understood what she was referring to.

"Koyomi, I swear if you bring up what I think you're going to bring up," Reki said to his sister, looking ready to pounce.

"You swear what? What would you do that could to me?" Koyomi taunted him.

"What are you talking about Koyomi?" Cherry asked, genuinely curious as to what the siblings were talking about.

"When Reki first saw the prince, he called him cute," Koyomi said, looking Reki straight in the eye, clearly amused.

"I did not call him cute!" Reki yelled at his sister.

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