Going out for food ❤︎

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After the last school bell rang for the day, Kyo pulled Tohru aside.
He asked her," Hey Tohru.. I wanted to know if you'd like to go get some Somen with me.."
Tohru responded to that with," Of course Kyo! Should we stop home first so we can get out of our school clothes?"
Kyo said," Oh yeah.. I got too caught up and forgot that we still had to get out of our school uniforms."
They headed home to get dressed.
When Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru got in the door, Shigure asked how their day was. They all responded with the usual "It was good" response.
Kyo told Shigure," Tohru and I are going to get some food, so she won't be able to make dinner. You might want to go out to eat."
Tohru and Kyo walked up the stairs to their respective bedrooms.
After Tohru walked into her bedroom, she closed her door and turned to her photo of her mom. She told her," Hey mom! Today was a good day at school, and Kyo and I are going to eat soon. I wonder what Yuki and Shigure will do without me here to make them dinner.. Well, I have to get dressed."
She then changed into a casual dress.
In Kyo's room, he was dressed in a pair of jeans and a button up shirt.
They both walked out of their rooms and greeted each other.
Tohru asked Kyo," Are you sure we shouldn't invite Yuki and Shigure? What will they do if I don't make any dinner for them.." She said in a panic.
Kyo responded by saying," Oh come on, they're old enough to find a way to get food on their own."
They then headed downstairs, Kyo shouted," We're leaving!"
Tohru then said," I'll see you guys when we get back!"
They then left for the Somen restaurant.
Kyo looked over at Tohru, who had a big goofy grin on her face. This made Kyo give off a light chuckle, with a smile in his face.
They then ordered their food. They sat across from each other, while Tohru was eating her food, Kyo just looked at her in awe.
Tohru looked up and said," Is there something on my face?" He then responded with," No, there isn't anything on your face"
Kyo blurted out," Hey Tohru.."
Tohru said," Hm? What is it Kyo?"
Kyo responded with," I uhm.. I have something to confess.. I have had big feelings for you for a while now..."
Tohru started to blush, she could feel the heat in her face and the butterflies in her stomach.
Tohru responded with," I feel the same way!" Kyo popped his head up, his face was as red as a beet.
He grabbed Tohru's hand and pulled her in to kiss her, even though he had to be careful to not get too close, or else he would have transformed.
As their lips met, the butterflies in their stomaches had only grown. They finally pulled away from each other, both of them were blushing so much, it looked like they had painted their cheeks red.
After they finished their Somen, they grabbed each other's hands and jogged out of the restaurant, they then went to a big tree, that shaded a lot of the ground below it.
Kyo pulled her in and kissed her with all the passion he had, Tohru did the same. They both kissed for a few minutes, which felt like an hour.
They decided that since the sun was starting to set that they should get back home.
After arriving on the doorstep, they opened the front door, to realize that Yuki had gone to lay down already, and Shigure was in his room, writing something that was meant to be done in the next few minutes.
Kyo and Tohru went upstairs, then walked into Tohru's room. They closed the door behind them.
Kyo and Tohru had realized how tired they were from the day, and decided to lay down.
Kyo turned around as Tohru got into her pajamas. She then got into bed, and he put a blanket in between them so he wouldn't transform.

-695 words ♥︎
-I didn't do much because I wanted to see if anyone would like it. I do plan to continue it anyway though ♥︎✌︎

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