The big surprise...

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*spoiler warning!* I am going to put in something(s) volume 22 or 23. However, I have not read either of those volumes, I roughly know what happens.

Tohru's POV: Today was not like all the other days, it was special. Today Kyo, and the other zodiac members will be meeting up with Akito. While Kyo was gone, I talked to master Kazuma. He told me that Kyo was planning to do something drastic, but wouldn't tell me what it was so Kyo could tell me. I was getting a little worried, but I decided I would not worry about it too much.

After waiting a couple of hours, I saw Kyo walking towards me. At this moment, I was walking around town to pass the time. He said, "Hey, Tohru! What are you doing?" I explained to him, and we went to walk some around more. While we were walking he sped up to get in front of me. He got on one knee. I started crying, and he said, "Tohru when I look into my heart, I see only you. If you can look into your heart and only see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together. I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do. Will you marry me?" I responded with, "You are the only one I can see myself marrying, and having a future with! I would love to marry you, yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!"Kyo pulled me in and kissed me. I told him, "Should we go back to Shigure's house and show Yuki and Shigure?" Kyo shook his head to say yes.

Once we got back to the house, Kyo called for Shigure and Yuki to get into the living room. They saw my big smile, and Shigure asked, "Tohru, are you having a baby?" I looked shocked and made sure to tell him I was not. Kyo looked at me and whispered, "Are you ready to tell them?" I replied by shaking my head yes. He then proceeded to hold up my left hand, and show them the ring. Yuki and Shigure looked shocked, but they were both very accepting. I pulled Shigure and Yuki in for a group hug, as I pulled them in my eyes were full of tears.

After a couple of minutes, Yuki pulled me away to ask if this meant Kyo and I had plans to move out right after we graduated. Kyo and I looked at each other, with agreeing looks, I told Yuki, "Yes, this does mean we will be moving into a house together after we graduate."

I cut this one a teeny bit short but I'm on vacation atm 💗 I hope you enjoy this chapter 😘

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