Back at Shigure's house ❤︎

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After all that happened over the time at the beach house, Kyo, Tohru and Yuki were dying to get back to their home. Shigure greeted them as the walked through the door by saying, "So kids, how was your time at the beach house?" Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki just looked at each other not knowing what to say, but Tohru decided to tell Shigure, "I don't know about everyone else, but it was a great time!" When Kyo looked at her face he could tell she was lying. Kyo grabbed Tohru's hand and pulled her up to her room. Once he closed her door he held her in his arms as she cried. But she realized that Kyo didn't transform when he held Tohru. Tohru was shocked, and she asked Kyo, "Did you know about this?" He nodded his head to say yes. Tohru just held him tighter, she was so shocked but it felt so great for her to be able to hold him normally. Kyo told Tohru, "We probably shouldn't tell everyone about this yet." Tohru shook her head in agreement. Suddenly, they hear a knock at the front door. Shigure decided to get the door. To their surprise, it was Akito. She said, "Where is Kyo?" Shigure pointed to the stairs. Akito stormed upstairs, and went through all the bedrooms, looking for Kyo. After she opened Tohru's door, she ripped Tohru off of Kyo and threw her to the side. Tohru was confused, but Kyo had an idea about what was going on. Akito begged Kyo to not leave her. Kyo was confused, so he asked Akito to leave. She decided that if she wanted to have any chance at him staying with her, she would have to leave. After Akito left, Yuki went into Tohru's bedroom to ask what happened. Kyo told him that she wanted to check up on them after everything happened. Yuki didn't believe that lie but he pretended to.
After the day was over, they were getting ready to go to bed. Kyo slept in his room since he thought it would make the situation a little easier on everyone. Tohru laid there in her bed, wondering if Akito was going to do anything to Kyo. This reminded Tohru about the plans to send Kyo to the "Cats' house". Tohru's eyes showed how horrified she was at the thought. She decided to shake it off and go to bed.
When Kyo went to wake up Tohru, he kissed her head to get her attention. When she woke up, she pulled him in gently so she could kiss him good morning.
After Tohru got out of bed, she got dressed for the school day. So didn't Kyo and Yuki. Once they were all ready, they headed off for school. On the way there, Kyo decided to hold hands with Tohru.
Once they were at school, they saw Momiji and Haru in the hallway. Momiji was so much taller now, Tohru had to look up, instead of having to look down. Haru pulled Kyo to the side to ask him a question. What he said was, "Why is Akito being so weird? Or do you not know?" Kyo just shook his head no.
-I'm going to add more to this, but I'm so sorry for not putting a chapter out for so long! I've been busy with friends, and writing other things, that I forgot to write a chapter! If I don't add more to this chapter, I hope I make the next one exponentially longer. ♥︎

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