The next morning ❤︎

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Hours after they had fallen asleep, the sun was as bright as ever. After being woken up by the bright sun, they realized that it was about the same time that they wake up every morning, Kyo kissed Tohru's head since he knew they would have to be separated. But then Kyo noticed because of the time, someone might come into the bedroom to wake up Tohru. After realizing this, Kyo told Tohru," Oh no... Yuki or Shigure might walk in here and see us like thi-" before Kyo was able to finish his sentence, Shigure burst through her door to wake her for the day. After seeing them cuddling, he shouted," Oh my god, dirty boy! Did you make a move on poor, innocent Tohru while she was sleeping?!" After hearing all the shouting, Yuki walked into Tohru's room, then said," What on Earth are you doing to Miss Honda, Kyo." Kyo reluctantly responded to all of this by saying," Well.. we went on a date yesterday, we got so tired that we could barely see. Because of that, we decided it was best to stay in her room, to not make any more noise than we did coming into the house." After that, there was dead silence. Finally, Yuki said," We could talk about it some other time, but we need to get ready for school."
They all proceeded to get dressed for school.
Kyo gently knocked on Tohru's door. She responded with," Come in!" After opening the door, he said," I'm really sorry they found out this way.." Tohru responded by saying," Oh, no! I feel bad for 𝐲𝐨𝐮, Kyo..." Kyo walked towards Tohru, then held her cheek with his hand. He pulled her soft face in, so he could kiss her. Their lips had then made contact, at the same time Yuki walked by her room. After realizing what he saw as he glanced into her room, he took a couple steps back so he could get a closer look. He then said," So he really didn't just sneak into your bedroom." After Yuki had randomly said that, Kyo leaped back from being scared. Yuki then said," Come on, we're going to be late for school if we don't get going."

-I think I might make this longer since it's only 375 words. I might not since I plan to write the next part really soon ♥︎

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