chapter seven - streaming :)

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"Hey chat, welcome to the stream!!" Tubbo says calmly. It took a lot of convincing, but eventually I agreed to 'streaming' with the boys. I'm still kind of confused on how this whole thing works, but Tubbo said it would be fine.

"As you can see, we're at Tommy's house! And when I say 'we', that means that obviously Tommy is here, but we also have a very special guest!! Meet Callie," he says, gesturing at me. I step into the view of the camera, and give a little wave.

"Hey... chat?" I say. "Today we are apparently going to be playing Five Nights at Freddy's. I've been told that Tubbo is a complete pussy when it comes to this stuff, so we'll see if that's true!"

"Oh, Callie, he'll definitely be terrifed." Tommy smirks. ""But it's okay, you guys can... cuddle the pain away later." I blush, and Tubbo quickly gets up from his stool and playfully shoves Tommy.

"Tommy!" Tubbo says, aghast. "Sorry about that- CHAT, SHE ISNT MY GIRLFRIEND, STOP SPAMMING!!!!!". Tommy smirks up at me once again and I laugh. This is quite odd.

After a while of playing, Tubbo screams for the 7347482994th time, and finally fed up, I push him out of his chair.

"Chat, it's time for the cAlLiE tAkEoVeR!!" I say. It took a bit of time, but I'm finally comfortable with the stream and Tommy. It's just so easy to be... myself? And the viewers really seem to like me. I restart the game, and quickly get right to beating it. "This isn't even that fucking scary. I don't see why you're shrieking about it??" I tease him. He responds my flicking me in the head, and I send a steely glare his way.

"Hey, stop flirting on stream!!! You can kiss later," Tommy says calmly. Damn, this kid really has no filter. I turn my head away from the game and playfully punch him in the shoulder. He ends up provoking a whole fucking war, and soon Tubbo joins in. I'm laughing so hard that tears are falling down my face.

"BOYS, I think we're going to end stream here now. Bye and dont forget to sUbScRiBe!!!!" Tubbo finally says, clicking the purple end stream button.

"Great!" I say. "Now I can kick your ass properly without getting you banned from twitch!!" I jump at him and tackle him on the bed, tickling his sides. He starts giggling uncontrollably, attempting to push my hands away from his sides.

"Seriously, guys, get a room. I'm going to go get water. Try not to have too much fun without me..." He says sarcastically. I look up at his smug for a second and smile. In the small moment of time where I'm looking away, Tubbo flips me over. "I'm going to get you back for this," he smirks, starting to ruthlessly tickle my sides.

"Tubbo, fuck off-" I say, interrupted by my laughing. I flip over again, and suddenly my nose is pressed against his.

"Hi," he whispers after an awkward moment of silence. I smile at him. "Hello." He awkwardly moves his hands to my back and rolls us over so that we're laying side by side.

"I like being here with you," He whispers again. I grin and he moves his hands to my back and rolls us over so we're laying side by side. I awkwardly grimace and whisper back again.

"Umm... why are we whispering??" I mutter. Instead of answering, he pulls me in closer to his chest and buries his head in my hair. I give in and melt into his touch. We stay there for a few moments, just breathing and enjoying the moment.

"You're so fucking clingy," I say to him quietly. "Now move your ass because Tommy's going to be back soon." He starts laughing, then pales and looks towards the door.

"I'M ALREADY BACK, BITCH!!!!" a voice booms from the door. I quickly pull away from Tubbo and smooth out my hair.

"Oh. Hi Tommy....?" I say awkwardly. He smirks and sits in the desk chair, swiveling so it faces us.

"Are you sure you're not dating? Because you seem very snuggly..." he replies with a strange grin on his face. Tubbo stands up and mutters something to him that I can't quite hear. His eyes are fixated on the floor.

"Well! It's getting dark, we should probably head out." I say, breaking the stifling silence that follows. I glance out the window. I didn't realize how late it was. It's funny how fast time passes when you're having fun. We exchange goodbyes with Tommy, and I give him my number and social medias as per his request. He's such a dickhead, but its honestly quite hilarious. No wonder he's so famous - everyone loves him even if they find him annoying at first (thats a line stolen directly from Tommy, he literally fucking asked me if I thought he was annoying.) I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard, and I'm grateful that I found such great friends.

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