Chapter 12

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Yes, okay, im a procrastincator etc etc etc (how do i spell that)

but don't kill me yet! i literally just lost all inspiration for this story – as in i have no idea what happens next either and i dont know how to continue. i should just never have made tsunami have cubs in the first place but what can i say? it seemd fine at that time.

anyway, i still have no idea whats happening, so im winging it. if this is terrible tell me; i can stand it :-: i just finished this today anyway

Tsunami POV

I had no idea what I was doing.

I mean, I'm sure proper detectives could pull up something immediately. But all I could see was dark NightWing blood everywhere and a bunch of blood-soaked books.

What am I supposed to do with that?

Okay, take a deep breath and stop panicking. 

I have no idea why I was supposed to do this. Probably just an excuse to get me back into Sea Kingdom.


"I can't figure anything out," I announced to the guards and stomped out. I swam to the hospital to visit Starflight again.


"Tsunami?" Starflight groaned. "What happened? Where am I?"

"You're in Sea Kingdom, remember? You were looting the library."

Starflight sat up suddenly. "The sapphire knife!"

"Uh...what sapphire knife?"

Starflight turned away and muttered something inaudible. All I heard was "Fatespeaker was right," and a bunch of other nonsense.

"Stop it. How was Fatespeaker right? What did she do?"

Starflight sighed. "She predicted something, and this time it came true."

"Which is?"

"That a SeaWing with a sapphire knife will eat up the kingdom inside and mercilessly slaughter until she gets her goal."

"And what, did Fatespeaker say, is its goal?" I doubtfully retorted.



Riptide POV

Eggs are warm; check. Eggs have food if they crack without me; check. Eggs aren't cracking immediately; check. Eggs are protected by huge system; check. There are still six eggs; check. I can finally have a rest from preparing this and that for the eggs. I collapsed onto the coach utterly tired.

I went to grab some food from the kitchen. Oysters and salmon; yum. My fridge's nearly empty, time to stock up, but first, time to stuff my face until my stomach hurts. The eggs will be fine for one moment. I picked up a random scroll and began reading, then got bored and began doodling randomly on a blank scroll with squid ink. After my snack and rest I come back to the eggs, just to double check.

There's a sudden bang and someone leaps out of the building.

"Hey! Stop!" I yelled.

But they/he/she/it's already gone. I looked around, but there was no one around the building.

I came back to the eggs with a growing dread in my stomach. The eggs. I need to count them.

One, two, three, four, five...

Wait a minute. There were six! 

I hastily searched for the egg.

No egg.

I'm dead, Tsunami's going to kill me.

ill end here today bc i can't think of anything else ;–––;

                                                                                                           ;       ;

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