•Chapter 12•

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Sorry y'all I took a break apologize for not warning y'all before but let's begin
(Slight swear warning)




I was listening to constant beeps when I opened my eyes I saw just white "ugh my head" I grunted in pain 'I think am in a hospital room' my hand was connected to tubes and I looked all over the room I saw bakugo and kiri sleeping on the couch while I was in the clothes that I bought before

It was cold non the less but I the only this I kinda remember was me falling and seeing a red butterfly "Kiri? Bakugo? You there" they shuffled on the couch in till they opens there eyes and blinked a couple times before they fully woke up

"Suki your ok!" Kiri mad dashed to me and hugged me I patted his back "what happened?" "Well you fell and went unconscious" bakugo went in the conversation "how is everyone else are they ok?" They gave each other a look "Well deku has few broken bones, Mr.aizawa is still in the recovery room not taking visitors and and some of the rest has a few cuts and bruises" kiri spoke

I let go and screamed in one of the pillows "sorry needed to get that out and when can I leave" kiri went to sit at the end of the hospital bed "you have to get a parent to sign you out" I mentally faced palm "The thing is my dad worked over seas so I have to call him" I looked over to the bed side table trying to look for my phone  "Here take mine" bakugo threw his phone and I almost missed catching it

I dialed my dads cell xxx-xxx-xxxx there was a time before he picked it up

"Hello who is this"

"Hey dad it's my suki I need you to commission me out out of the hospital"

My dad had a deep voice compared to my soft caring one and kiri and bakugo was shocked by that

"WHAT HAPPENED! And I can't pick you up you know am at work so here I'll send an email to the hospital to let you out now TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!"

"Ok we were going to practice using our quirks for rescuing and villains came they attacked us and my risk came out and I passed out-BUT HE KILLED THEM GRACEFULLY" Kiri shouted I put a finger to my lips to shut him up

"Suki who the hell was that" my dad said in a stern voice

"He is one of my friends and the other one is here but he angy now send the EMAIL!"

"Ok make sure they do it good~ and bye I'll see you in a couple days" he hangs up "your dad is really cool" a nurse walked in the room"Hello Mr.Farfalla you are now able to leave the hospital we have seen the email your father sent now have a good day" she waved off leaving "If you want let's go to my apartment I need to get something to eat and change"

Kiri hummed a reply while bakugo nodded having an angry aura "Let's get the hell out of here" bakugo replied

~Short Time skip~

We are now in front of the hospital heading to my small apartment "don't think that this is a huge apartment ok you can take a shower I'll order the food" "let's get-" "Fucking spicy" kiri got cut off by bakugo kiri made a small put while bakugo made an angry face?

The Butterfly lost in the meadow (Mha x Male Oc) (officially ended)Where stories live. Discover now